Thursday, November 3, 2011

The NERVE of you

Negative Exposure Reporting Validates Everything

The motivation behind this article was provided by a post on Facebook that caught my attention. I will share the concept of the post but not the actual content since it would defeat the purpose of my agenda for writing this. Tired from a long day I planned on scrolling down my Facebook newsfeed briefly to see if there was anything of value that I would benefit from before I went to rest and quite the opposite occurred. At the top of my feed was a still image from a video of a male rap artist wearing tights and lipstick. Now usually I would completely ignore this sort of thing but what struck me was the brother who shared this link. Now I don’t know this man personally however from my observation he definitely didn’t seem like the kind of individual who would support this kind of artist. Now I use the term artist loosely as i’m not quite sure if the word fits this individual as snug as his tights do. Moving right along we will give his music the benefit of the unreasonable doubt. The caption above read “What The ...... Is Going On?!!! Do The 1 To This Madness.” For those who are not in the know the statement do the 1 is suggesting for the reader to check out the link provided. So at his recommendation I gave it a second look and my eyes certainly were not deceiving me. I was looking at a grown man on a supposed to be Hip Hop website wearing flower print tights and hot pink lipstick.

 I gave the video a 30 second chance which under normal circumstances I would never do. Suddenly my inner voice urged me to turn it off and a feeling of dissatisfaction took over me momentarily. The interesting thing was that I was more dissatisfied by the fact that this was shared by someone who I know doesn’t agree with the content and that’s when it hit me. I thought back to all of the positive videos that myself and others have shared that often go virtually unnoticed. What I began to realize is that the biggest problem is what I call negative reaction exposure or NERVE(Negative Exposure Reporting Validates Everything). Exposure is a term used in photography for bringing something to the light to develop a clear picture. The film for the clear picture must be placed in a dark room. The more something becomes exposed the more power and attention it gains. Thus the more we are against something the stronger it becomes. For those who lift weights it is the resistance that strengthens the muscle. Therefore the more an idea is challenge the more relevant it becomes and the more determined those who agree with it become in promoting it. At this point it becomes less about the initial idea and more about the challenge of overcoming the opposition to it. For example the flower tight rapper would be doing this in his room and would be ridiculed stepping foot in his living room but the more people see it the more comfortable it becomes and the more popular the idea becomes thereby making others who are too weak to refute the idea more susceptible to its influence. So the people who are strong advocates against something in their blind desire to destroy it unknowingly become its biggest supporters by promoting their dissatisfaction. I have noticed that people become more outspoken against an idea they disagree with than they are for something they do agree with. The logic behind this is simply the law of motivation. We are motivated be challenge and opposition. 

      Agreement is easy and requires no action. I am certain this concept is utilized by those who understand promotion, marketing and advertising. The goal is to create a controversy that will gain as much attention as possible. The irony is that the people who do the most promotion are the ones who are against it proving the saying that there is no such thing as bad publicity. All of this flashed through my mind in a split second and it became all too clear to me at that moment that negative exposure really validates everything. Then another thought hit me unexpectedly like a blind man in a boxing ring. Maybe I have been wasting time sharing information where I know it will be well received. How valuable is a cure when it is being provided to people who are not ill? Certainly it will spread faster amongst the sick just as a disease spreads amongst a population who is not already infected. This changes my entire promotional strategy and alters my original perception since I have found a valuable realization in the most unlikely place. Even though diamonds shine in the light you must find them in a dark cave. Nothing is good or bad since it is all about what you gain from it. That being said thank you tight lipstick rapper with no name and my friend for sharing your strange video. God and devil work hand in hand like night and day. 

   That being said a far more effective strategy in changing what we are dissatisfied by is to pay it no mind and pay attention to that which truly resonates with us. Anything that is unnatural is weaker and will have a shorter life span than its healthy and natural counterpart. It is more productive to be pro-truth than anti-falsehood. For example the more people speak on how they are victimized by an elite group who enslave the world the more powerful the idea becomes and the more helpless they are to it. Ideas are the true heroes and villains of humanity. The healthy mind swims with the universal current and rides the waves while the unhealthy mind struggles against the tide and drowns in a wave of helplessness. It is much more effective and will require less energy and frustration. It is truly better to be the answer than to be against the problem. Whether we speak for or against something we make the concept wealthy by paying our attention to it. Everything is mental so if you think an idea has no value then pay it no mind and pay mind to the healthier alternative. Now please share this link with all of the people that you know will absolutely disagree with it. lol 

Thanks in advance.  Jokingly seriously yours,

Kalik “Phoenix King” Scientific aka A head of our time.