Saturday, September 10, 2011

Don't diss advantage yourself

Every kind of relationship you have had and will ever have is based upon both parties taking advantage of each other as they should. If there is no advantage there should certainly be no relationship..”

Relationships are based upon mutual benefit and service. Many have stated don''t take advantage of me when that is always precisely what everyone is here to do. These living gifts in the form of people will bring something for you to take advantage of as well should they be forthcoming enough to tell you or be you wise enough to recognize it when it appears.  We come bearing gifts, talents, skills, knowledge, wisdom and most of all the opportunity for others to grow spiritually, mentally and materially through all our world has to offer. The source within us makes us the greatest resource to each other. Know the value our very presence has in raising or lowering the vibration and thus the quality of the lives of those around us. Our exchange of heat, cold, sound, touch thought, emotion and energy is the original form of currency. You are not paying to see a comedian you are exchanging their joy for yours and giving appreciation in response for their confidence. You are not paying for school you are exchanging information and attention. The ups and downs of intimacy is a roller coaster we have all waited in line for to get off dizzy and get in line again for another ride. We all seek the mutual feeling of security and trust that friendship provides. As of late this friendly exchange of energy directly between us has been supplanted by money amongst those clouded by misunderstanding. A parasitic vampire lurks in the minds of most seeking to take advantage of these subtle benefits with no intention of returning the favor. Somehow we have overlooked the change once we failed to see both sides of the coin. Every kind of relationship you have had and will ever have is based upon both parties taking advantage of each other as they should. If there is no advantage there should certainly be no relationship. They are usually multi-dimensional. Some have one main purpose like a job. Your relationship with that company is solely financial. Even this situation often develops into more as we become psychologically accustomed to the routine and we develop a brand loyalty and the sense of pride it affords. Some are in friend relationships where others are more intimate yet they also may co-exist. Some may be parents and friends. Some may be cousins and co-workers. While others are lovers, friends and business partners. There are many variables which are possible and add different layers to the life of the relationship. When one looks at the relationship as a living entity with a life of its own its layers become easily recognizable. When one of the layers is gone the relationship continues yet changes in nature. It is only until every layer is gone that the relationship dissolves. Each line in the cosmic contract providing purpose destined to be void upon its fulfillment. 
     The ties that bind us also follow the chakra system. Each chakra has a duality as each relationship layer does due to the fact that each power can be used or abused. The root chakra which deals with our physical security shows how we bond with some people because they provide a sense of security we currently lack. They may be able to provide us with work, shelter, food, protection, comfort and all of the things that will keep our animal nature well domesticated in our bodies temple. Following this is the sacral  chakra which bonds us in sexual and creative expression. This bonds us in passion, desire, generosity and greed. The solar plexus controls the power based relationship that builds our ego or substitutes for our lack of self confidence. The heart chakra pulls us into relationships that provide us with balance and harmony. The throat chakra talks us into relationships based upon communication.Our proficiency or inability to appropriately and effectively express our ideas. These relationships also will increase our ability to hear and communicate with the voice within us. The third eye chakra winks or stares  subtly at your unsuspecting prey to whom you lock minds with and engage in a bond of higher education that brings you clarity and a greater vision. These relationships aid us in our mental focus and accurate self recognition by increasing our intuition and ability to be in tune with the vibration beneath our surface. The crown chakra connection is a spiritual union where you just know each other. This connection is a mind opening experience in which your partner brings you closer to yourself. A relationship is only as strong as its levels of purpose and how dedicated both parties are to them. Should the meaning of the relationship change it must then be redefined. Sometimes we develop a new sense of purpose as time goes on or lose one of the initial reasons for the connection. Make the best of each relationship in your life and you will see all new ways you can benefit each other. When a relationship serves no purpose it must be changed like a light bulb or you will both remain in darkness. New experiences and fresh connections will bring life yet we must not lose sight of the value in the bonds we have already made and do all we can for each other until there is nothing more to gain. An unhealthy relationship can be brought back to balance yet one with no meaning is dead and can only be resurrected by purpose and passion.
     Relationships come in 3 flavors. Mutual benefit, partial benefit and mutual detriment. In relationships of mutual benefit both partners gain and grow from each others influence. Not necessarily in the same way but in the way they each need most. A relationship of partial benefit is imbalanced and exists in various degrees where one person gains while the other does not. One is parasitic and pulls on the energy of the other for strength yet leaves them weaker as there is no mutual gain. Mutual detriment is a relationship that should end before it starts. In this situation both parties pull from each others weakness and provide nothing the other can benefit from. The longevity of each depends on purpose, endurance, dependency, the amount of energy connections you share and the quality thereof. Do not deprive others who could benefit from a healthy connection with you to remain victim of your own inability to disconnect from an unhealthy connection. Should you be able to bring it back into a healthy balance it is worth preserving. These living gifts are yours so take mutual advantage of the present we share.
-Kalik Scientific-

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Art of indifference

"To understand the cycles of life is to be comfortable with letting go of everything when it is time to."

The key to peace within depends upon ones ability to connect when it proves valuable and disconnect in times of detriment while the right expectations produce no misfortune or disappointment. Our expectations are but the vessel for ideas we anticipate who's time have not yet arrived. Let us leave no stone unturned in the search for true love but not without first looking beneath our own rock. The discovery of self love is the seed from which all relationships should be planted from. Let that seed fall from the tree of life for it is the parent to all partnerships you shall experience. One who is not rooted in self love will only produce seeds that bear rotten fruit. One of the most difficult moments to face is the moment you realize you have spent time watering and shining your light upon that which bears no resemblance to the fruit of your own labor. Disappointment would soon settle in were there an expectation of a more satisfying result. Yet we truly know in our hearts when great expectations are but fanciful aspirations undeserved by our present circumstances and past efforts. Good seeds planted out of season hold no regard for the ill fated timing of the work of their masters hands. The beauty of creation is the limitless soil of opportunity. What has failed this season need only wait until the time is right to come into fruition. Even the people in our life are seasonal and should be expected when the seasons support their arrival and departure. To understand the cycles of life is to be comfortable with letting go of everything when it is time to. To climb the tree of life we must let go off the lower branches to grab hold of the higher ones to pick what is ripe before it has fallen. Be not fooled by the taste for love is a bittersweet fruit unknown by the lips of lesser men. He who has consumed of its flesh will desire it whole when its core is reached in the passion of consumption. Thus our fear of love lost produces contempt for its hypnotic spell  alchemically transforming it into hate. Satisfaction alone rules nothing of a dual nature. The wise fear no loss of what grows in abundance upon his own branches. Therefore he does not fear losing that which he has found within. It is when we lack what's needed inside of ourselves that its value increases in others. Therefore some extort others with symbols of love they know they do not possess. They will place it in front of you and remove it from your sight before it can be claimed. Should you discover that you already have their prized bargaining chip their frustration with its lack of power will be evident. Such forces are of a magical nature barely understood by most who use their names without hesitance. There are spells which mimic the nature of love used by those who rely on you not knowing the difference. All that is required from you is belief in the concept of a seemingly intangible object of affection. The mirage of love is the greatest magic trick to ever captivate an audience of two, most confident in the desire of its idea and ill informed of its true nature. True love has quite contrary results only mastered by the art of proper detachment. True love flows through all creation as divine self identification. It is like ground water which is found beneath the surface of reality by those unafraid to dig deep in their hearts. This flow of energy is the highest value of currency which should be invested carefully and distributed cautiously. Those who are evil in spirit will misuse its power over others as it becomes hate in their possession. Those of such character will silently despise you for expressing it in its pure form. Thus it is indifference which will preserve your love from becoming tainted by their poison. The flow of love is not to be contained but move free as a river. Those who have not found where its treasure is buried will use you as their source until your reservoir is empty. The balance of giving and receiving keeps us all nourished. Unhealthy connections will deplete you and weaken your life force. Keep your heart pure and your well shall never run dry.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Intellectual Property Value

"We must invest as much as possible into improving ourselves. It is wise to build our intellectual property value for the more our realest state is worth the more our real estate is worth. If one has no self appreciation there goes the neighborhood."

Have you ever passed through a torn down crime ridden neighborhood and wondered what happened to this place? Have you seen groups of young people who have goals or direction in life? Have you felt the depressing energy at a bus stop or train station filled with people who all have a ticket but don't know where they are going? Have you crossed an imaginary border and suddenly the fog is lifted, the gates are off the windows and the people are smiling? I have which sent me on a mental journey to find out the root cause of the disparity between places that are so close yet so far. My first simple realization was that our external reality and environmental condition is a reflection of our state of mind. This can be seen in places where people don't lock their doors and there is less crime. It appeared as if the more chains, bars, gates and cages there are the more people who are willing to try to get through these obstacles. Could it be these locks and gates are really to keep us imprisoned in our own fears. This seems to be the unspoken result in the minds of those who accept these conditions. The more fear we have of losing our possessions the more we feel the need to lock them up and guard them. The more humanity fears the possibilities of our own free thinking the more prisons there will be to hide from ourselves. The more garbage there is on the ground the more waste exists inside of the people who feel comfortable with it around them. The more rude and disrespectful the public interaction between people becomes the more obvious it is that people are expressing how they feel inside. Many walk past each other avoiding eye contact because they have difficulty facing their own reflection. Those who are discouraged to the point of no return will tell you that everything you want to accomplish is impossible. This is the every day reality for many people which eventually makes the previously stated issues as undetectable as ones own smell. It is very noticeable to all who even pass this person that they may smell like a football locker room at half time except for the individual himself. The poor man wouldn't know he was poor until he met a rich man. The rich man didn't know he was rich until he met the poor man. Thus it is important to experience people and places from various walks of life. In order to choose our place on the scale we must be able to view the complete spectrum. 
   The next realization was that larger bodies were made of smaller components. Thus the feel, speed, energy and frequency of a particular place is comprised of the energy resonating through the people. The emotional condition of the people determines the emotional climate they share. The psychological condition of a large group will determine the mental atmosphere of the environment. This is why in some places you may be concerned for your safety as you pick up the mental signal of those who are around you. Some environments have a thick air of depression like a cloud of smoke everyone can feel but no one can see. The cleanliness of the area reflects the self value of the people who frequent it since the buildings, streets, lawns and trees are the body of that state of mind. States are not just places but are first conditions of being. A shared plane of consciousness. It is not the lack of money that makes a place appear run down. It is the lack of love, self esteem, confidence and an overall lack self value shared by a collective. The more we learn about ourselves the more we realize how special, complex and significant we are. Once we realize how important we are we will chauffeur our spirit in the healthiest and most cleanly physical vessel possible. As a result of this high standard of quality for our body we must then be a part of an environment that reflects this state. A clean, positive and healthy individual spending extended time in a dirty and negative environment is like wearing a white suit to go mud wrestling. Once you reach a state of self satisfaction you must surround yourself with people and places that assist in the maintenance of your higher being. Everything is mental and thus the quality of our stream of thoughts both conscious and subconscious is paramount. Great ideas will only present themselves in a mind prepared to receive them. Most carry the "thats your problem mind state"  not realizing that we are impacted by even the most subtle changes in our surroundings. We are effected by every thought and feeling of those around us. We are in a dimension of overlapping reality where we are a drop in a conscious ocean. Should one drop of ink fall into a glass of water the wise will not drink it. Thus the child who you fail to encourage may be the one to break in your home later. If one house is boarded up the whole street is judged by it. Elevate to your most authentic, genuine and realest state and the real estate of all who build with you will rise in value. It is time to raise our intellectual property value and think greater, do better and live healthier. You are worth more than you were told so polish yourself so we can all shine brighter.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Corporation vs Cooperation

The quality of our future depends on the ability of the people to once again believe in ourselves and each other.

For years we have been deprived of the direct benefit of our natural gifts to each other. Our natural inclination towards what we truly love to do was supplanted by the false need to survive in the artificial ecosystem of society. Many have lost faith in themselves as well as their abilities as a result. We have also lost the trust in each other as the value of large companies are branded in our minds from childhood. We used to know who amongst our immediate circumference was the go to person for any particular job. This put a sense of direct trust between the people as well as building the self esteem of the individuals of the community. In time larger companies began to replace the names of our friends and their products began to replace our self appreciation. In most cases people can no longer tell you who makes the best pie on their street. Most cannot direct you to the person in their community to go to for advice or to even unclog their sink. In fact those who have the skills probably don't know it either since they never developed them in order to do what they think they had to do to pay the bills. Ask where to find anything nowadays and the familiar department, grocery or convenience store is the first thing that comes to mind along with a logo and a familiar jingle they cannot remove from their heads. If you are lucky they may even whistle it for you as they look up the nearest location on their ipad. Instead of developing our skills we are now taught to memorize the steps to operate the machine or automated system that will replace our job. When we call one of these companies we are greeted by a robotic recording and after following its directions for about 15 minutes we end up hanging up in frustration longing for a human voice to resolve our issue.
     A day at the supermarket comes to mind as I had just finished shopping and pushed the cart towards the only open register which turned out to be a self checkout. This disturbed me at first considering there were more of these than actual human operated registers. I felt adventurous this particular day so I followed the suggestion of my significant other and tried it. After scanning 1 out of every 3 items required an employee to come over and approve the transaction. Considering there was 1 person to basically supervise 6 of these electronic employees you can imagine how long this could take. Finally done I placed my bags in the cart and proceeded to thank the attendant for help knowing it would have taken half the time without the machine. I couldn't help but find the irony of the situation quite amusing as people were being replaced by less efficient machinery. At some point it is only natural that mans collective wisdom will kick in and we will realize how backwards our idea of progress has become. Nothing ever lasts beyond nature and so we will have to eventually return to ours. As big business concerns itself more with profits, saving cost and mass production quality begins to give way to quantity. The concern for the value and effect of the product begins to dissipate along with the integrity of the business. The customer as well as the employee begins to be considered last after the needs of the business. The business now has a life of it's own and the first principle of life is self preservation. Thus what was meant to feed you now determines your time, energy, health and vitality to be the food it needs to survive. After years of branding and social conditioning through ads, media and word of mouth trust for the skills of others and the quality of what they produce is replaced by the big names who's reputation goes without question. After all if they weren't the best at what they do they wouldn't be so big and people wouldn't continue to patronize them. Right? At least this is what we would like to think but quite the opposite of reality. The truth is the way we have been doing things is flawed and the machine is rusty and broken. Did we forget that the machine is only as good as the functional components it is comprised of. It is certainly time to invest in ourselves once again. Here we are standing at the crossroads of corporation vs cooperation. The wise amongst us as becoming more self sufficient and taking the pride and care in their work that is missing these days. Focused once again on what they are best at and putting their love into it. This is something that can be felt in every stitch of the clothing we wear and every bite of the food we eat. The authenticity and positive energy of one who puts care into what flows through their hands.  From music and art to agriculture the time of the genuine individual who puts their heart into their work is coming back around. The challenge with this revolution comes from garnering the support of the people who are conditioned to believe in the big name as the better value. As more people jump off of the hamster wheel and begin to take actual steps toward progress they will need mental, emotional and financial support from a group of people mentally conditioned to deem them unworthy of their encouragement. What happens to an artist who's talent exceeds their commercially inferior counterpart yet even their friends and family consider their product to be unofficial because it is not presented though the usual outlets? What happens to an excellent cook who uses all natural ingredients that can't possibly have the effect of artificial foods containing addictive drugs? People will most likely continue to kill themselves under the familiar banners of fast food rest(in peace)aurants. What happens to such individuals is the same thing that happens to nature once an artificial replacement is presented that appears to be more sufficient and easier. Society breeds laziness encourages instant gratification. The time people must put into doing things the right way is viewed as wasteful in the business world where time is money. The true value is in the quality of the person who then puts that same quality into everything they produce. The result of a fast paced quantity oriented business filled with people who hate being there is eventually compromised if not completely eradicated. We must for our very own health build each other up from the individual to the collective. We must trust in our own ideas and abilities. We must invest our time an energy into ourselves and each other in the way we do for companies who consider us all expendable. We must regain faith and confidence in the value of what we can produce and believe in the products and services of others. We will ultimately gain everything all that we fear losing. We must let go of the false security provided by relying on the trusted names and brands and place it in each other. If you spent 40 hrs a week investing your all into your endeavors like you would behind someones counter would you not gain more? How could you be willing to put your all into something that gives you nothing but stress and the ability to remain in debt? How could you not support someone who loves what they do and is happy to serve you with a smile? These steps are a necessary transition to a happier and healthier civilization. Do what you love, love what you do and support those who do the same. A brighter future depends on you.