Saturday, September 10, 2011

Don't diss advantage yourself

Every kind of relationship you have had and will ever have is based upon both parties taking advantage of each other as they should. If there is no advantage there should certainly be no relationship..”

Relationships are based upon mutual benefit and service. Many have stated don''t take advantage of me when that is always precisely what everyone is here to do. These living gifts in the form of people will bring something for you to take advantage of as well should they be forthcoming enough to tell you or be you wise enough to recognize it when it appears.  We come bearing gifts, talents, skills, knowledge, wisdom and most of all the opportunity for others to grow spiritually, mentally and materially through all our world has to offer. The source within us makes us the greatest resource to each other. Know the value our very presence has in raising or lowering the vibration and thus the quality of the lives of those around us. Our exchange of heat, cold, sound, touch thought, emotion and energy is the original form of currency. You are not paying to see a comedian you are exchanging their joy for yours and giving appreciation in response for their confidence. You are not paying for school you are exchanging information and attention. The ups and downs of intimacy is a roller coaster we have all waited in line for to get off dizzy and get in line again for another ride. We all seek the mutual feeling of security and trust that friendship provides. As of late this friendly exchange of energy directly between us has been supplanted by money amongst those clouded by misunderstanding. A parasitic vampire lurks in the minds of most seeking to take advantage of these subtle benefits with no intention of returning the favor. Somehow we have overlooked the change once we failed to see both sides of the coin. Every kind of relationship you have had and will ever have is based upon both parties taking advantage of each other as they should. If there is no advantage there should certainly be no relationship. They are usually multi-dimensional. Some have one main purpose like a job. Your relationship with that company is solely financial. Even this situation often develops into more as we become psychologically accustomed to the routine and we develop a brand loyalty and the sense of pride it affords. Some are in friend relationships where others are more intimate yet they also may co-exist. Some may be parents and friends. Some may be cousins and co-workers. While others are lovers, friends and business partners. There are many variables which are possible and add different layers to the life of the relationship. When one looks at the relationship as a living entity with a life of its own its layers become easily recognizable. When one of the layers is gone the relationship continues yet changes in nature. It is only until every layer is gone that the relationship dissolves. Each line in the cosmic contract providing purpose destined to be void upon its fulfillment. 
     The ties that bind us also follow the chakra system. Each chakra has a duality as each relationship layer does due to the fact that each power can be used or abused. The root chakra which deals with our physical security shows how we bond with some people because they provide a sense of security we currently lack. They may be able to provide us with work, shelter, food, protection, comfort and all of the things that will keep our animal nature well domesticated in our bodies temple. Following this is the sacral  chakra which bonds us in sexual and creative expression. This bonds us in passion, desire, generosity and greed. The solar plexus controls the power based relationship that builds our ego or substitutes for our lack of self confidence. The heart chakra pulls us into relationships that provide us with balance and harmony. The throat chakra talks us into relationships based upon communication.Our proficiency or inability to appropriately and effectively express our ideas. These relationships also will increase our ability to hear and communicate with the voice within us. The third eye chakra winks or stares  subtly at your unsuspecting prey to whom you lock minds with and engage in a bond of higher education that brings you clarity and a greater vision. These relationships aid us in our mental focus and accurate self recognition by increasing our intuition and ability to be in tune with the vibration beneath our surface. The crown chakra connection is a spiritual union where you just know each other. This connection is a mind opening experience in which your partner brings you closer to yourself. A relationship is only as strong as its levels of purpose and how dedicated both parties are to them. Should the meaning of the relationship change it must then be redefined. Sometimes we develop a new sense of purpose as time goes on or lose one of the initial reasons for the connection. Make the best of each relationship in your life and you will see all new ways you can benefit each other. When a relationship serves no purpose it must be changed like a light bulb or you will both remain in darkness. New experiences and fresh connections will bring life yet we must not lose sight of the value in the bonds we have already made and do all we can for each other until there is nothing more to gain. An unhealthy relationship can be brought back to balance yet one with no meaning is dead and can only be resurrected by purpose and passion.
     Relationships come in 3 flavors. Mutual benefit, partial benefit and mutual detriment. In relationships of mutual benefit both partners gain and grow from each others influence. Not necessarily in the same way but in the way they each need most. A relationship of partial benefit is imbalanced and exists in various degrees where one person gains while the other does not. One is parasitic and pulls on the energy of the other for strength yet leaves them weaker as there is no mutual gain. Mutual detriment is a relationship that should end before it starts. In this situation both parties pull from each others weakness and provide nothing the other can benefit from. The longevity of each depends on purpose, endurance, dependency, the amount of energy connections you share and the quality thereof. Do not deprive others who could benefit from a healthy connection with you to remain victim of your own inability to disconnect from an unhealthy connection. Should you be able to bring it back into a healthy balance it is worth preserving. These living gifts are yours so take mutual advantage of the present we share.
-Kalik Scientific-

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