Saturday, March 31, 2012

Show Your Self Love

Everything we do, say, think and experience is an expression of how much we love ourselves. Love is a word that is used frequently yet rarely understood. The truth of the self is even more shrouded in mystery.
Love as I understand it is our passion for living. It is the appreciation for our creative energy and gratitude for the opportunity to experience life in a unique way. How much we value the breath of life is a direct result of self-awareness. The greater we understand this the more we will appreciate every moment of our individuality. We are all rays of sunlight which animate an earthly form. This awareness leads to the realization that each of us is a unique expression of one energy. From the initial breath of life, we were given the golden opportunity to co-create our reality and report back to the creator what it is like to experience life as us. None of us arrive at the same time, location or under the same circumstances. No one will ever experience the unique timeline of events and patterns that determine who we are. Once you allow the beauty of this idea to blossom and open the petals of your consciousness, you will never see yourself in the same way again.
You are more than a suit of flesh, motivated by carnal urges and uncontrollable desires. Your life is God's gift to the world and your death is God's gift to himself. This awakening brings a wonderful feeling that travels throughout every cell in your body, as they each bow in submission to the sun within you. This "Inner Sun" is the light of the heart filled with joy and truth. You are indeed special and the center of your own universe. This inherent knowledge is where self-love begins. Knowing the gifts naturally bestowed upon you, provide you with the tools to achieve your life's mission. This mission is to walk up the steps of spiritual growth, by overcoming earthly challenges and being a living example of health and vitality to others. Once we have an appreciation for living, we will only surround ourselves with those who value their lives as well, as we begin to walk with the undeniable confidence of royalty. We will never place ourselves in environments that are detrimental to our health. The food we eat will be alive, fresh and of the highest quality. We will value the purity of the air we breathe and the water we drink. Our happiness remains constant and unchanged by the loss of material possession or the fluctuating moods of others. Everything we do will then become an expression of self-love, by not only sustaining life, but improving its quality daily. Our heart begins to smile with each sunrise as we become in tune with the cycles of nature. Those who truly love themselves will not dare burden their own heart with hate, malice, resentment, revenge or sorrow, because these things poison the blood and life span. The way we treat others is indeed one of the most apparent indications of our degree of self-love, for to respect others is to respect ourselves. Each day we must Let Our Vibration Elevate (LOVE) for self-love brings us closer to divinity. The loving heart is truly King and the healthy spirit is the kingdom of heaven.

Kalik Scientific

The Procreation of Relationships

Purpose is the mother of all relationships and our past decisions are certainly their father. The choices we make determine our future experiences and our thoughts are the sexual intercourse of the mind. Every idea is like a sperm cell and the one that is carried into action is the immaculate conception, or seed planted in the soil of experience.
Relationships are inescapable and are responsible for all activity in our vast universe. It is relationships alone which sow the fabric of time that make up the cosmic wardrobe worn by the Creator. Every galaxy, solar system, planet, human, animal, plant, mineral, atom and so on are involved in a rhythmic dance of patterns, cycles and interwoven relationships.

These relationships vary in motion, longevity and magnitude produced in different elements and various forms of life. Everything in existence is the result of two forces interacting with each other and the harmony as well as the friction between them, produce something unique comprised of some of the qualities of both forms, as well as the beings that produce them. Knowing this it is undeniable that our relationships with our environment and other living beings are directly responsible for the quality of our lives. Even though we seem to be individuals, there are multiple life forms and forces operating within physically, mentally and spiritually.
We are the result of different parts operating as one system. As a result of this complexity, we are not always in tune and in agreement with ourselves. This internal disagreement results in illness, dissatisfaction, misery and pain. Thus we are constantly faced with the endless challenge of getting all of our pieces to work together in agreement. The better our components agree - the happier and healthier we become. Yet it is not that simple for we are a part of a larger system, which is a part of an even greater organization and so on - in an endless pattern of energy.
Should we forget this profound awareness, our bodies and those we interact with are quick to remind us. The beauty of this universal system is that it is naturally self-correcting. It is all energy, seeking to redistribute its elements to where they are most needed, resulting in the cycles of life and death. Even socially our relationships begin and end to distribute our energy where it is most needed to operate effectively towards ever-changing goals, we only seek to understand in our limited awareness. There is a great synchronicity which perfectly coordinates all events, from the motion of our planets to the smallest molecules. The illusion of individuality, caused by our ego, easily blinds us from a far-bigger and much smaller picture. It would undoubtedly be a heavy burden to always consider the grand scale of our actions and it wouldn't be long before this overwhelming awareness begin to impede on our own ability to function within our own capacity. We would have to completely lose our individual consciousness to gain the awareness of all. Think about how stressful it is just being exposed to the daily problems of the affairs of humanity in your personal life. Imagine having to mediate between the internal conflicts of our own biology. Picture leading the strategy of a full-scale cellular war when there is an onset of disease in your own body.
Somehow it all seems to know how to workout, without us ever being aware of the minute details. Thus lifeforms of a greater magnitude can hardly be concerned with the subtle details of our earthly conflicts. When placed in a larger context, our concerns, worries, fear, arguments and irritations are of little consequence. Try to remind yourself of this great understanding when your problems seem to big to handle. You are in a relationship with higher forces who depend on you to function in harmony and give little thought to the minor irritations that seem so devastating on the limited scale of your perception. Focus on a peaceful existence and allow others to enter and exit your space with minimal conflict. There is no need to worry for regardless of the circumstances, life will continue to go on, so there is no choice but to relate.
Kalik Scientific
-Show Your Love-!__ss/show-your-love

Don't Feel Bad for Feeling Good

Sorrows of Haiti
Since no one probably told you, it is past time that you know that there is no reason to feel bad for anyone, including yourself. For humanity, there's seems to be an unspoken loyalty to accept each other's misery as our own. For example if someone experiences a death in the family and we have no physical connection to the deceased, we feel as if we are required to immediately feel sad to accommodate their emotions. In fact, there's usually an awkward moment where we don't know how to express that our apparent misery is not truly authentic.
Each of us has an emotional reserve which is like a pond filled with water. Our heart is the light of the sun, which evaporates our emotional pond and when it becomes too heavy in our mental air space it returns to where it began purified by this cycle. When someone enters our environment filled with sadness it is like a dark cloud that rains over our land and their misery blocks our light if we allow it. Each of their tears drips into our emotional reserve, becoming a part of our water supply. The element of water, unless frozen does not differentiate between the feelings of one individual from another. This can be of great benefit when the emotion is of a positive nature and it is simply a subconscious spreading of disease when it is negative.
Think for example about millions of people watching a major sports event who are emotionally invested in the losing team. Even though they never once practiced, held the ball or walked on the field, they take on an amplified disappointment of the team, sometimes resulting in extreme actions such as rioting. Thus there is a time to express sympathy, apathy and empathy which are the liquid, solid and gas forms of water. Each is necessary at different times and can be harmful if experienced out of season. Even the media has been known to poison the subconscious emotional reservoir, by polluting the airwaves with fear that bonds to the cloud of emotion that will eventually rain on our parade.
Just because someone feels bad does not mean you must feel bad for them. It doesn't do them or you any good for you to be miserable as well. Not only are negative feelings contagious, but it becomes harder to identify the root of the problem, especially when it did not originate within you. As these polluted waters sit and become stagnant, they absorb into the Earth and become diseased in the body. All feelings result from thoughts, so there are many ways we can feel based upon the thoughts we choose. Every event works toward the greater good, even if we can't see it due to the limited scope of the magnitude of our perception.
In time all things will eventually be revealed, so patience and an open mind and heart heal all wounds and avoid emotional injury. It is also important that we do not dump our polluted feelings into the emotional water supply of others. Although it may get some of it out of our system, residue will remain and it will join the atmosphere of those you share it with.
We took no oath to be sad to make others feel better. In fact there is something wrong with feeling good that someone shares your misery. It is better that our light increases the vitality of others to aid them in their emotional purification. When you are approached with a tear or a frown, make sure you both walk away with a smile on your face and heart. Love and joy is even more contagious and it is that which we have signed the contract on our lifeline to share with humanity.
Kalik Scientific

What a Relief

Those who consciously seek spiritual growth must not confuse freedom with relief. Whether we are aware or unaware we all seek spiritual evolution, regardless of the degree of awareness in the decisions we make. Lower levels of awareness cause us to make decisions which result in unpleasant experiences. These experiences are referred to by different names such as tragedies, accidents and disasters. Since everything in nature ultimately works towards the greater purpose what seems to be unfavorable only appears so based upon our personal dissatisfaction. As we grow and evolve the patterns in our life take new form each time we raise our level of consciousness. By taking self responsibility over the pleasant and unpleasant experiences in our lives we become grateful for the lessons we requested which allow us to grow and make better decisions thereby avoiding further disasters. The unexpected tragedies in our lives occur at the request of our higher self to break free from negative habits and unproductive life cycles caused by our unwillingness to change and follow the tides of our nature.

This lack of will is the result of our fears and limited understanding. The physical man seeks pleasure, comfort and entertainment over all things spiritual. The spiritual man accepts all things as an opportunity to grow regardless of how unpleasant they may seem. By facing and overcoming our internal dissatisfaction we overcome the disease caused by our refusal to follow the laws of our own nature. The higher path overcomes disease while the lower path temporarily overcomes the symptom. This is the difference between freedom and relief. Freedom is gained by facing our fears which are invisible walls within our consciousness. They are the locked doors of power that we are not yet ready to receive. We are the key makers and the key holders. We are guarding all of the doors and blocking all of the exits. Freedom is an open door to give and receive. Relief is an unlocked door that has yet to be opened. It lets you know that you can leave and enter when you are ready yet it does not allow you to do so or see what is on the other side. Most seek to feel better but they do not want to be better.
Most want to unlock the door but are not willing to walk through it. For someone else to remove the weight will provide relief yet it will not make you any stronger. We willingly accept all burdens in to our life to build up the strength to lift them. In our ignorance after mortal amnesia we forget what we have chosen to burden ourselves with and why. Had we maintained that awareness physical existence would be meaningless for it is our discomfort that motivates us. Knowing this we can approach life with ease and limit our suffering. We can uproot the weeds of doubt and misunderstanding while patiently picking the sweetest fruit from the tree of peace and prosperity. Freedom gained from self responsibility and true growth cannot be taken from you. The symptoms of dissatisfaction are weeds in the garden of life which will grow back if they are not removed from the root. Overcome your ailments by treating the cause and you will gain freedom and relief forever.
Kalik Scientific