"To understand the cycles of life is to be comfortable with letting go of everything when it is time to."
The key to peace within depends upon ones ability to connect when it proves valuable and disconnect in times of detriment while the right expectations produce no misfortune or disappointment. Our expectations are but the vessel for ideas we anticipate who's time have not yet arrived. Let us leave no stone unturned in the search for true love but not without first looking beneath our own rock. The discovery of self love is the seed from which all relationships should be planted from. Let that seed fall from the tree of life for it is the parent to all partnerships you shall experience. One who is not rooted in self love will only produce seeds that bear rotten fruit. One of the most difficult moments to face is the moment you realize you have spent time watering and shining your light upon that which bears no resemblance to the fruit of your own labor. Disappointment would soon settle in were there an expectation of a more satisfying result. Yet we truly know in our hearts when great expectations are but fanciful aspirations undeserved by our present circumstances and past efforts. Good seeds planted out of season hold no regard for the ill fated timing of the work of their masters hands. The beauty of creation is the limitless soil of opportunity. What has failed this season need only wait until the time is right to come into fruition. Even the people in our life are seasonal and should be expected when the seasons support their arrival and departure. To understand the cycles of life is to be comfortable with letting go of everything when it is time to. To climb the tree of life we must let go off the lower branches to grab hold of the higher ones to pick what is ripe before it has fallen. Be not fooled by the taste for love is a bittersweet fruit unknown by the lips of lesser men. He who has consumed of its flesh will desire it whole when its core is reached in the passion of consumption. Thus our fear of love lost produces contempt for its hypnotic spell alchemically transforming it into hate. Satisfaction alone rules nothing of a dual nature. The wise fear no loss of what grows in abundance upon his own branches. Therefore he does not fear losing that which he has found within. It is when we lack what's needed inside of ourselves that its value increases in others. Therefore some extort others with symbols of love they know they do not possess. They will place it in front of you and remove it from your sight before it can be claimed. Should you discover that you already have their prized bargaining chip their frustration with its lack of power will be evident. Such forces are of a magical nature barely understood by most who use their names without hesitance. There are spells which mimic the nature of love used by those who rely on you not knowing the difference. All that is required from you is belief in the concept of a seemingly intangible object of affection. The mirage of love is the greatest magic trick to ever captivate an audience of two, most confident in the desire of its idea and ill informed of its true nature. True love has quite contrary results only mastered by the art of proper detachment. True love flows through all creation as divine self identification. It is like ground water which is found beneath the surface of reality by those unafraid to dig deep in their hearts. This flow of energy is the highest value of currency which should be invested carefully and distributed cautiously. Those who are evil in spirit will misuse its power over others as it becomes hate in their possession. Those of such character will silently despise you for expressing it in its pure form. Thus it is indifference which will preserve your love from becoming tainted by their poison. The flow of love is not to be contained but move free as a river. Those who have not found where its treasure is buried will use you as their source until your reservoir is empty. The balance of giving and receiving keeps us all nourished. Unhealthy connections will deplete you and weaken your life force. Keep your heart pure and your well shall never run dry.
This Explains The "Whatever" phase that some kids go through. even though cynical i knew i was on to something back then. Glad to have moved on to tha healthier vibration of "What Will Be Will Be" and Everything Is Everything.
ReplyDelete"while they stuck in a box, Ahm in a Life Cypher movin' around/ At tha same time holdin' my ground, Ahm steady wid it/ them frauds checkin' formulas dem can't get it/ too many digits for a mathematician/ so when i spit i'm comin' off just like a master magician"
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