Tuesday, December 20, 2011


         I decided to write this because it is time for us to Help Everyone's Anger Leave. Anger is like lighting a cigarette. It pollutes the environment for everyone including the one holding it. Many experience anger but don’t quite know what it is or why it exists. Anger is never proactive but an intense negative reaction to undesirable external stimuli. Thus our anger is part of a built in defense mechanism. I recall as a child feeling the intense anger mother harbored towards my father which I later realized was transferred from her parents as well as her own traumatic experiences. I recall her going into sudden fits of rage that seemed to be triggered by anyone or anything that resembled the causes of her unhealed wounds. It seemed at times as if she was possessed by some demon that was nothing like her usual easygoing and cheerful demeanor. As I got older and wiser I was able to easily diagnose the emotional and psychological roots of such issues as the pattern began to reemerge in my own relationships as well as those of my peers. The catalyst for sudden bursts of anger are rarely produced by the current situation. Often the anger is like a volcano bubbling beneath a seemingly calm terrain. I began to notice to see beneath the surface of women who possessed residual anger no matter how hard they attempted to conceal it. On numerous occasions I would be in the store in line waiting behind an irate woman yelling at the cashier over some overblown issue. I recall the many times I have observed mothers treat their sons unjustly and express the anger they were truly feeling toward the child’s father. The statement “you are just like your father” echoes through my memories in different voices like the rings around rocks in a pond. Almost every woman I know has experienced some degree of molestation, abandonment or physical abuse often by father figures and other family members.
        The trauma caused by such issues especially when they are often ignored or silenced develops into an unhealthy internal resentment resulting in the abused becoming the abusive. Our internal fears of threats to our security and comfort can result in a preemptive attack on anyone that triggers our traumatic experiences. The answer is to disown the title of victim and own the title of victor. Experience happens only once unless we fail to apply the lessons of our experiences no matter how undesirable they are. Releasing resentment, fear, vengeance and misery are the prerequisites of healing. It is important never to confuse healing with burying. Burying our issues is like the time as a child you were told to clean your room and you swept the mess under your bed and stuffed the rest in your closet where it was still present but it wasn’t visible to the untrained eye. The problem with burying our problems is that we cannot hide them from ourselves and they always resurface with time. These issues even materialize in those who are overweight as the metaphysical cause of their weight is holding on to emotional baggage or water which coincides with the emotional zodiac sign of cancer which rules the stomach, chest and digestion. Thus having difficulty digesting or accepting what we go through causes it to build up and manifest as weight and disease. High levels of anger and stress also cause the body to accumulate the hormone called cortisol which translates into being overweight. I have also noticed a pattern between extra weight and residual anger so the term bag lady is not only figurative but literal in many cases.
     When people go through harsh experiences it can negatively impact the self esteem producing feelings of deserving such abusive treatment. Know that you are more than your experiences and that your soul signed up for every experience you endure for our own growth, development and evolution. It is only when we cannot accept this reality that we relive our negative experiences over and over again subconsciously attracting similar situations. What must change is the thought patterns that produce our behavior patterns and how we respond to external circumstances that are not completely in our control. What we do have complete control over is our internal energy and how we respond to others. Accept, appreciate and love yourself and you will be able to heal from anything. Healing is like getting in a pool of cold water. Some stick their toe in and make the stinky face pull it back out and do it 10 more times. Others jump in head first and warm up quickly. Being uncomfortable is inevitable but the duration of that feeling is totally up to us.  Your life will be as positive as your insight and your outlook so continue to smile and Simply Move In Love Everyday. When the road gets tough don't worry and listen to this song to help you along the way.

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