Friday, December 9, 2011

Unorthodox Ambition

We each have goals and aspirations that keep us reaching daily toward our idea of success. Every one of us are naturally drawn towards a certain field of achievement. Yet many of us never follow our natural inclination and innate senses. Most ignore their intuition and allow their inherent talents and gifts to go undiscovered and dormant inside of them. Social conditioning called education combined with the influence of the media and the fears of others are major influences on the goals we set for ourselves. For example most enter a field of study to follow a career path they believe will lead to success based upon financial and social status. Truthfully this line of reasoning is flawed since happiness is only possible by developing our natural abilities and applying them to that which we truly love. Often following societies blueprint for success leads to misery as you find yourself wondering how you "did everything right" yet the outcome seems so wrong. In reality there is no right there is only what is right for you. When you climb your own mountain of success by walking your own trail it will be seen by others as unorthodox ambition. That which is unorthodox doesn't conform to the status quo and stretches the boundaries of the imagination. It fearlessly alters the patterns of tradition and conformity with innovation and a customized approach to life. Ambition is the desire for personal accomplishment. It is the motivation for achievement that increases with the passion for what we truly enjoy. Unorthodox ambition is the urge to bring forth new ideas and achieve that which most would have never imagined. It is this desire to pick strange fruit that satisfies the inquisitive human mind and temporarily quenches our thirst to drink from a bottomless glass of experience. All new things become old and all innovation becomes tradition so what people look at as unusual today will be the standard for tomorrow. So imagine the impossible, think the incredible and do the unfathomable. It is a lonely road but someone must be the trailblazer for the future to pave the road less traveled in order for it to become a freeway. You will meet opposition, fear and discouragement from others but the only one who needs to understand is you. After all you cannot expect support from those who don't see what is so clear to you. The people who are the least supportive may be your family and friends since they care about you and want what is best which includes security and safety they falsely believe can only be found along the familiar road of achievement. Do not let this weigh you down because they mean well and will be the first to take pride in your accomplishments. When the road gets tough don't worry and listen to this song to help you along the way.

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