Monday, August 22, 2011


"Everybody is a star you just didn't know you are. Now you know it's right on time to show the world how bright you shine."

 He took one last glance in the mirror to confirm the perfection of his appearance. Narcissistic to some yet necessary in his profession. "Move fast you have about 3 minutes to get to the stage. It's packed out there and the crowd is getting restless." his manager said with a sense of playful urgency. After many years he is still not accustomed to the dreamlike reality he has become a central part of. Hands still moist with sweat like the mist of a light rain as the subtle feeling of anxiety has never fully left. Walking with an entourage of security he passed by a seemingly endless sea of screaming fans. "We love you!" They yelled at the top of their lungs just hoping to get a split second of his attention. The slightest eye contact would be enough to last a lifetime. A somewhat humble man in light of his success he would always stop and shake a few hands to acknowledge his appreciation for without them none of this would exist. Often someone would faint as he extended his arm and this day was no different. He liked to pick out the quiet ones he knew were too shy to reach out for him. As he stepped close to the target of his attention they young woman passed out as if he hit her with the full force of his might. Something about this never felt right although his ego soaked itself in the pleasurable high of his overwhelming significance.
   She took one last glance in the mirror hoping to see something more pleasing than what she was accustomed to after spending a considerable amount getting her hair done. She took a couple of hours putting the finishing touches on her makeup after carefully selecting her finest outfit for the concert. It is not that she is an unattractive young lady but you would be hard pressed trying to convince her that. Her father being a strict disciplinarian and temperamental alcoholic was never one for giving her compliments. Her mother suffering from low self esteem accepted her fathers abuse and unconsciously passed on her lack of self worth to her quiet yet beautiful daughter. Always feeling empty within she sought to decorate her appearance yet it never filled the void inside. Very intelligent and an excellent writer she learned early on that society didn't give any gold stars to encourage her nerdy capabilities. Surrounded by the objects of her admiration posters of her favorite singers, movie stars and public figures adorned her walls. She would fall asleep staring at their pictures imagining herself in their place. Tonight however was special for she was preparing to see her favorite artist perform. She saved up for months to attend with her best friends who acquired front row tickets to what they considered to be an opportunity of a lifetime. After their arrival they waited in utter excitement for about 45 minutes laughing about her crush on the center of attention for the evening. Her best friend said I"I'm gonna scream until he comes over here and tell him how much you love him." She responded under her breath with a faint "No don't do that." secretly hoping that her friend would carry through with her plan. As he approached she nervously began to smile and tear simultaneously overwhelmed by the excitement. She hid partially behind her friend wanting to be both noticed and ignored. Her friend made good on her promise whom he overlooked to make eye contact and reach toward the girl who succumbed to her nervous excitement passing out in her friends arms.
   We have all either experienced directly or observed the fanaticism caused by the exploitation of the celebrity image. This has become living idolatry at its finest. The irony is that we are worshipping the inherent qualities we all possess embodied in a handful of individuals. Not that one should not be appreciated and credited for their hard work and talent but at what price. For years this has occurred at the high cost of collective self esteem. The majority psychologically conditioned  to be considered inferior by others and most importantly themselves. Their is certainly an intentional plan to promote the significance of entertainment above all else. This becomes obvious when you notice the wide disparity between the average NBA players salary of $5 million and the presidents salary of $400,000. How are the teachers of our children considered less important than those who entertain them. A healthy civilization must place a great emphasis on the artist, inventor, educator, farmer, scientist, healer as well as the entertainer. We must take a serious look at the message we are sending our children when there seems to be more of an incentive to play sports and sing songs than there is to own a business and be educated.  As a result of carefully selecting a few individuals for the majority to worship the already lowered self esteem of the majority takes an even greater hit. To make matters worse we are not told that these celebrities are not even required to possess talent and now everyone is jumping on the reality TV bandwagon to be noticed. The floodgates of insecurity have been opened to exploit the average persons desire for fame and notoriety. Most don't even want to be the celebrity now to be appreciated for their natural ability. They want the attention and the material wealth they are falsely told that comes with the position. The irony of this is that everyone is important and by chasing after another shooting star we miss the one within us. We all were given a purpose as well as a variety of individual gifts, skills and talents to pursue our goals and achieve our own concept of success. Heaven has many doors in which we may enter our inner paradise yet we are told there is only one way in with the same blind men guarding its gates. As a result there is a long line of people ready to give up their very souls to be used as a puppet figure dressed in a glamourous disguise used as bait to attract others willing to do the same.
    We are all stars shining in our own space. No one shines with the same intensity or duration yet we all are beings of divine light. Our very form is a condensed body of light since we first arrived on a ray of sunlight. Our very bodies are composed of the carbon, nitrogen and oxygen atoms that form the stars we admire in the night sky.  From every atom in our body to all life on earth we are the living remains of cosmic bodies of light. In fact we are not only stars but a microcosm of the very universe we are a part of.  Let this truth resonate within your spirit and rebuild the value and appreciation for who you truly are.  A celebrity is one who deserves to be celebrated for their achievements first within their own development and then their positive impact upon humanity. A celebration is meant to commemorate a significant event. As we are constantly expanding we are an ongoing event appearing to be a still form. So do not allow yourself to be celebri-teased by the false idol who appears to have what you do not. Instead discover the boundless treasure within you and as your self worth increases so will the intensity of your light. Everybody is a star you just didn't know you are. Now you know it's right on time to show the world how bright you shine.

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