"what you don't say will be spoken for you in the minds of the impatient, worrisome and unwise to whom silence is a fools gold."
Silence is truly golden and worth every sound that is heard. It is this great ocean of silence that we fish out every word we utter. The sea of ideas in which our deepest treasures are buried. Each of us live a separate life of isolation and solitude that no one will ever truly know. Regardless to how vocal some may be the majority of our thoughts are always unspoken. Others can only assume and take the pieces of what you reveal to fill in the blanks. Life is a constant process of growth and development where the majority of change goes on internally and remains unseen by those who judge you solely on their limited perception of your former actions. Knowing this one must recognize the dual responsibility of your appearance. You must be careful with every action, word, gesture and component of your presentation. Others will then assess you and filter your image through their historic lens which then becomes you re-presentation. It is this process that you will never have complete control over. You can only do the best with the responsibility of what you present. People store memories of associations between descriptive words and the people, places and events they attach to them. This is the minds cache which stores this information like cookies in your computer browser to quickly make connections to identify and process new information. Thus what you present is pre sent so everyones reputation precedes them via their similar characteristics with those who you remind others of. For example one may see a rock that appears different in size, texture and color from anything they have seen before yet they immediately define it as a rock based upon it's familiar appearance. This is the same process of identity profiling that happens with everyone you meet in life. Often there is a degree of inaccuracy due to the fact that no one is you besides you.
Eventually as we become more familiar with individuals and places we adjust our perception accordingly and fill in the blanks not provided by our associative memory. However some make less adjustments and rarely update their files. I myself recall meeting people and identifying them with others who they remind me of only to attach adjectives to their person that were undeserved. I also remember times when someone revealed themselves to be precisely what I anticipated with the exception of what was unknown to me. This is a process of natural defense aiding in rapid response and quicker reaction time. Having a characteristic seed memory bank allows one to react faster to a potential problem or quickly take advantage of a possible opportunity. Thus through the silent observation of others you will always be spoken for. Knowing this you must plan your silence more than you plan what is spoken. Trust that others will think more of you than what you have revealed to them. They will have ideas about you that your actions may have never implied. They will speak of your decisions in ways that you never intended. They will make every assumption in their book yet you must never compromise your honor in how you present yourself. You should always be sincere and express the higher characteristics of your authentic nature. You will always hurt people you have never intended to and benefit others you may not be aware of. Actions do speak louder than words yet silence whispers volumes in the ears of men. Listen carefully to the silence and you will hear the sound before it arrives. Yet do not allow the message in the silence to become lost in translation and polluted by a tarnished filter.
Silence is suggestive and mysterious like the objects in a shadow. It is a psychologically seductive influence sought after by the inquisitive mind. To choose when to play the notes in a song one must consider the equal value of the silence which emphasizes what is heard. Interestingly enough the silence permeates through everything like the darkness at night. It is not attributed to an apparent source as light is. One does not see the root of the dark matter of space yet we can trace the rays of light back to their celestial body of energy known as stars, comets and planets. This darkness is unseen as silence is unheard thus it is not so easy to pinpoint the source of a sea of thoughts as it is to identify what is spoken and by whom. On a mundane scale let us look at the celebrity. The celebrity is called a star and is focused on because of the attention directed on the way they shine. This then brings attention to the contrast of the sea of darkness surrounding them which lends to our curiosity of everything we don't see. This interest is then exploited upon by those who claim to know what is considered speculation which becomes rumor followed by scandal and transforming their image and possibly their character. Most people will assume the worst in others in order to falsely raise their own worth. We will never know what truly goes on behind the scenes yet we will never stop wondering. Some will have 2 pieces to the puzzle and then draw the rest and spread it as fact. This is the power of silence. Use yours wisely and be careful how you receive the silence of others. It is best to fish from the purest water in your subconscious so that your best ideas will spring forth. Walk in your own shadow to understand the totality of your potential effect on the world around you. People have a value that increases and decreases based upon how they benefit others so be careful of fools gold and listen carefully to the hidden treasure of silence. Do not assume the worst for after all things may be better than you know.
-from the brilliant thoughts of Kalik Scientific-
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