Tuesday, December 20, 2011


         I decided to write this because it is time for us to Help Everyone's Anger Leave. Anger is like lighting a cigarette. It pollutes the environment for everyone including the one holding it. Many experience anger but don’t quite know what it is or why it exists. Anger is never proactive but an intense negative reaction to undesirable external stimuli. Thus our anger is part of a built in defense mechanism. I recall as a child feeling the intense anger mother harbored towards my father which I later realized was transferred from her parents as well as her own traumatic experiences. I recall her going into sudden fits of rage that seemed to be triggered by anyone or anything that resembled the causes of her unhealed wounds. It seemed at times as if she was possessed by some demon that was nothing like her usual easygoing and cheerful demeanor. As I got older and wiser I was able to easily diagnose the emotional and psychological roots of such issues as the pattern began to reemerge in my own relationships as well as those of my peers. The catalyst for sudden bursts of anger are rarely produced by the current situation. Often the anger is like a volcano bubbling beneath a seemingly calm terrain. I began to notice to see beneath the surface of women who possessed residual anger no matter how hard they attempted to conceal it. On numerous occasions I would be in the store in line waiting behind an irate woman yelling at the cashier over some overblown issue. I recall the many times I have observed mothers treat their sons unjustly and express the anger they were truly feeling toward the child’s father. The statement “you are just like your father” echoes through my memories in different voices like the rings around rocks in a pond. Almost every woman I know has experienced some degree of molestation, abandonment or physical abuse often by father figures and other family members.
        The trauma caused by such issues especially when they are often ignored or silenced develops into an unhealthy internal resentment resulting in the abused becoming the abusive. Our internal fears of threats to our security and comfort can result in a preemptive attack on anyone that triggers our traumatic experiences. The answer is to disown the title of victim and own the title of victor. Experience happens only once unless we fail to apply the lessons of our experiences no matter how undesirable they are. Releasing resentment, fear, vengeance and misery are the prerequisites of healing. It is important never to confuse healing with burying. Burying our issues is like the time as a child you were told to clean your room and you swept the mess under your bed and stuffed the rest in your closet where it was still present but it wasn’t visible to the untrained eye. The problem with burying our problems is that we cannot hide them from ourselves and they always resurface with time. These issues even materialize in those who are overweight as the metaphysical cause of their weight is holding on to emotional baggage or water which coincides with the emotional zodiac sign of cancer which rules the stomach, chest and digestion. Thus having difficulty digesting or accepting what we go through causes it to build up and manifest as weight and disease. High levels of anger and stress also cause the body to accumulate the hormone called cortisol which translates into being overweight. I have also noticed a pattern between extra weight and residual anger so the term bag lady is not only figurative but literal in many cases.
     When people go through harsh experiences it can negatively impact the self esteem producing feelings of deserving such abusive treatment. Know that you are more than your experiences and that your soul signed up for every experience you endure for our own growth, development and evolution. It is only when we cannot accept this reality that we relive our negative experiences over and over again subconsciously attracting similar situations. What must change is the thought patterns that produce our behavior patterns and how we respond to external circumstances that are not completely in our control. What we do have complete control over is our internal energy and how we respond to others. Accept, appreciate and love yourself and you will be able to heal from anything. Healing is like getting in a pool of cold water. Some stick their toe in and make the stinky face pull it back out and do it 10 more times. Others jump in head first and warm up quickly. Being uncomfortable is inevitable but the duration of that feeling is totally up to us.  Your life will be as positive as your insight and your outlook so continue to smile and Simply Move In Love Everyday. When the road gets tough don't worry and listen to this song to help you along the way.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Unorthodox Ambition

We each have goals and aspirations that keep us reaching daily toward our idea of success. Every one of us are naturally drawn towards a certain field of achievement. Yet many of us never follow our natural inclination and innate senses. Most ignore their intuition and allow their inherent talents and gifts to go undiscovered and dormant inside of them. Social conditioning called education combined with the influence of the media and the fears of others are major influences on the goals we set for ourselves. For example most enter a field of study to follow a career path they believe will lead to success based upon financial and social status. Truthfully this line of reasoning is flawed since happiness is only possible by developing our natural abilities and applying them to that which we truly love. Often following societies blueprint for success leads to misery as you find yourself wondering how you "did everything right" yet the outcome seems so wrong. In reality there is no right there is only what is right for you. When you climb your own mountain of success by walking your own trail it will be seen by others as unorthodox ambition. That which is unorthodox doesn't conform to the status quo and stretches the boundaries of the imagination. It fearlessly alters the patterns of tradition and conformity with innovation and a customized approach to life. Ambition is the desire for personal accomplishment. It is the motivation for achievement that increases with the passion for what we truly enjoy. Unorthodox ambition is the urge to bring forth new ideas and achieve that which most would have never imagined. It is this desire to pick strange fruit that satisfies the inquisitive human mind and temporarily quenches our thirst to drink from a bottomless glass of experience. All new things become old and all innovation becomes tradition so what people look at as unusual today will be the standard for tomorrow. So imagine the impossible, think the incredible and do the unfathomable. It is a lonely road but someone must be the trailblazer for the future to pave the road less traveled in order for it to become a freeway. You will meet opposition, fear and discouragement from others but the only one who needs to understand is you. After all you cannot expect support from those who don't see what is so clear to you. The people who are the least supportive may be your family and friends since they care about you and want what is best which includes security and safety they falsely believe can only be found along the familiar road of achievement. Do not let this weigh you down because they mean well and will be the first to take pride in your accomplishments. When the road gets tough don't worry and listen to this song to help you along the way.  


Thursday, November 3, 2011

The NERVE of you

Negative Exposure Reporting Validates Everything

The motivation behind this article was provided by a post on Facebook that caught my attention. I will share the concept of the post but not the actual content since it would defeat the purpose of my agenda for writing this. Tired from a long day I planned on scrolling down my Facebook newsfeed briefly to see if there was anything of value that I would benefit from before I went to rest and quite the opposite occurred. At the top of my feed was a still image from a video of a male rap artist wearing tights and lipstick. Now usually I would completely ignore this sort of thing but what struck me was the brother who shared this link. Now I don’t know this man personally however from my observation he definitely didn’t seem like the kind of individual who would support this kind of artist. Now I use the term artist loosely as i’m not quite sure if the word fits this individual as snug as his tights do. Moving right along we will give his music the benefit of the unreasonable doubt. The caption above read “What The ...... Is Going On?!!! Do The 1 To This Madness.” For those who are not in the know the statement do the 1 is suggesting for the reader to check out the link provided. So at his recommendation I gave it a second look and my eyes certainly were not deceiving me. I was looking at a grown man on a supposed to be Hip Hop website wearing flower print tights and hot pink lipstick.

 I gave the video a 30 second chance which under normal circumstances I would never do. Suddenly my inner voice urged me to turn it off and a feeling of dissatisfaction took over me momentarily. The interesting thing was that I was more dissatisfied by the fact that this was shared by someone who I know doesn’t agree with the content and that’s when it hit me. I thought back to all of the positive videos that myself and others have shared that often go virtually unnoticed. What I began to realize is that the biggest problem is what I call negative reaction exposure or NERVE(Negative Exposure Reporting Validates Everything). Exposure is a term used in photography for bringing something to the light to develop a clear picture. The film for the clear picture must be placed in a dark room. The more something becomes exposed the more power and attention it gains. Thus the more we are against something the stronger it becomes. For those who lift weights it is the resistance that strengthens the muscle. Therefore the more an idea is challenge the more relevant it becomes and the more determined those who agree with it become in promoting it. At this point it becomes less about the initial idea and more about the challenge of overcoming the opposition to it. For example the flower tight rapper would be doing this in his room and would be ridiculed stepping foot in his living room but the more people see it the more comfortable it becomes and the more popular the idea becomes thereby making others who are too weak to refute the idea more susceptible to its influence. So the people who are strong advocates against something in their blind desire to destroy it unknowingly become its biggest supporters by promoting their dissatisfaction. I have noticed that people become more outspoken against an idea they disagree with than they are for something they do agree with. The logic behind this is simply the law of motivation. We are motivated be challenge and opposition. 

      Agreement is easy and requires no action. I am certain this concept is utilized by those who understand promotion, marketing and advertising. The goal is to create a controversy that will gain as much attention as possible. The irony is that the people who do the most promotion are the ones who are against it proving the saying that there is no such thing as bad publicity. All of this flashed through my mind in a split second and it became all too clear to me at that moment that negative exposure really validates everything. Then another thought hit me unexpectedly like a blind man in a boxing ring. Maybe I have been wasting time sharing information where I know it will be well received. How valuable is a cure when it is being provided to people who are not ill? Certainly it will spread faster amongst the sick just as a disease spreads amongst a population who is not already infected. This changes my entire promotional strategy and alters my original perception since I have found a valuable realization in the most unlikely place. Even though diamonds shine in the light you must find them in a dark cave. Nothing is good or bad since it is all about what you gain from it. That being said thank you tight lipstick rapper with no name and my friend for sharing your strange video. God and devil work hand in hand like night and day. 

   That being said a far more effective strategy in changing what we are dissatisfied by is to pay it no mind and pay attention to that which truly resonates with us. Anything that is unnatural is weaker and will have a shorter life span than its healthy and natural counterpart. It is more productive to be pro-truth than anti-falsehood. For example the more people speak on how they are victimized by an elite group who enslave the world the more powerful the idea becomes and the more helpless they are to it. Ideas are the true heroes and villains of humanity. The healthy mind swims with the universal current and rides the waves while the unhealthy mind struggles against the tide and drowns in a wave of helplessness. It is much more effective and will require less energy and frustration. It is truly better to be the answer than to be against the problem. Whether we speak for or against something we make the concept wealthy by paying our attention to it. Everything is mental so if you think an idea has no value then pay it no mind and pay mind to the healthier alternative. Now please share this link with all of the people that you know will absolutely disagree with it. lol  http://www.facebook.com/Godhopmusic 

Thanks in advance.  Jokingly seriously yours,

Kalik “Phoenix King” Scientific aka A head of our time.


Saturday, September 10, 2011

Don't diss advantage yourself

Every kind of relationship you have had and will ever have is based upon both parties taking advantage of each other as they should. If there is no advantage there should certainly be no relationship..”

Relationships are based upon mutual benefit and service. Many have stated don''t take advantage of me when that is always precisely what everyone is here to do. These living gifts in the form of people will bring something for you to take advantage of as well should they be forthcoming enough to tell you or be you wise enough to recognize it when it appears.  We come bearing gifts, talents, skills, knowledge, wisdom and most of all the opportunity for others to grow spiritually, mentally and materially through all our world has to offer. The source within us makes us the greatest resource to each other. Know the value our very presence has in raising or lowering the vibration and thus the quality of the lives of those around us. Our exchange of heat, cold, sound, touch thought, emotion and energy is the original form of currency. You are not paying to see a comedian you are exchanging their joy for yours and giving appreciation in response for their confidence. You are not paying for school you are exchanging information and attention. The ups and downs of intimacy is a roller coaster we have all waited in line for to get off dizzy and get in line again for another ride. We all seek the mutual feeling of security and trust that friendship provides. As of late this friendly exchange of energy directly between us has been supplanted by money amongst those clouded by misunderstanding. A parasitic vampire lurks in the minds of most seeking to take advantage of these subtle benefits with no intention of returning the favor. Somehow we have overlooked the change once we failed to see both sides of the coin. Every kind of relationship you have had and will ever have is based upon both parties taking advantage of each other as they should. If there is no advantage there should certainly be no relationship. They are usually multi-dimensional. Some have one main purpose like a job. Your relationship with that company is solely financial. Even this situation often develops into more as we become psychologically accustomed to the routine and we develop a brand loyalty and the sense of pride it affords. Some are in friend relationships where others are more intimate yet they also may co-exist. Some may be parents and friends. Some may be cousins and co-workers. While others are lovers, friends and business partners. There are many variables which are possible and add different layers to the life of the relationship. When one looks at the relationship as a living entity with a life of its own its layers become easily recognizable. When one of the layers is gone the relationship continues yet changes in nature. It is only until every layer is gone that the relationship dissolves. Each line in the cosmic contract providing purpose destined to be void upon its fulfillment. 
     The ties that bind us also follow the chakra system. Each chakra has a duality as each relationship layer does due to the fact that each power can be used or abused. The root chakra which deals with our physical security shows how we bond with some people because they provide a sense of security we currently lack. They may be able to provide us with work, shelter, food, protection, comfort and all of the things that will keep our animal nature well domesticated in our bodies temple. Following this is the sacral  chakra which bonds us in sexual and creative expression. This bonds us in passion, desire, generosity and greed. The solar plexus controls the power based relationship that builds our ego or substitutes for our lack of self confidence. The heart chakra pulls us into relationships that provide us with balance and harmony. The throat chakra talks us into relationships based upon communication.Our proficiency or inability to appropriately and effectively express our ideas. These relationships also will increase our ability to hear and communicate with the voice within us. The third eye chakra winks or stares  subtly at your unsuspecting prey to whom you lock minds with and engage in a bond of higher education that brings you clarity and a greater vision. These relationships aid us in our mental focus and accurate self recognition by increasing our intuition and ability to be in tune with the vibration beneath our surface. The crown chakra connection is a spiritual union where you just know each other. This connection is a mind opening experience in which your partner brings you closer to yourself. A relationship is only as strong as its levels of purpose and how dedicated both parties are to them. Should the meaning of the relationship change it must then be redefined. Sometimes we develop a new sense of purpose as time goes on or lose one of the initial reasons for the connection. Make the best of each relationship in your life and you will see all new ways you can benefit each other. When a relationship serves no purpose it must be changed like a light bulb or you will both remain in darkness. New experiences and fresh connections will bring life yet we must not lose sight of the value in the bonds we have already made and do all we can for each other until there is nothing more to gain. An unhealthy relationship can be brought back to balance yet one with no meaning is dead and can only be resurrected by purpose and passion.
     Relationships come in 3 flavors. Mutual benefit, partial benefit and mutual detriment. In relationships of mutual benefit both partners gain and grow from each others influence. Not necessarily in the same way but in the way they each need most. A relationship of partial benefit is imbalanced and exists in various degrees where one person gains while the other does not. One is parasitic and pulls on the energy of the other for strength yet leaves them weaker as there is no mutual gain. Mutual detriment is a relationship that should end before it starts. In this situation both parties pull from each others weakness and provide nothing the other can benefit from. The longevity of each depends on purpose, endurance, dependency, the amount of energy connections you share and the quality thereof. Do not deprive others who could benefit from a healthy connection with you to remain victim of your own inability to disconnect from an unhealthy connection. Should you be able to bring it back into a healthy balance it is worth preserving. These living gifts are yours so take mutual advantage of the present we share.
-Kalik Scientific-

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Art of indifference

"To understand the cycles of life is to be comfortable with letting go of everything when it is time to."

The key to peace within depends upon ones ability to connect when it proves valuable and disconnect in times of detriment while the right expectations produce no misfortune or disappointment. Our expectations are but the vessel for ideas we anticipate who's time have not yet arrived. Let us leave no stone unturned in the search for true love but not without first looking beneath our own rock. The discovery of self love is the seed from which all relationships should be planted from. Let that seed fall from the tree of life for it is the parent to all partnerships you shall experience. One who is not rooted in self love will only produce seeds that bear rotten fruit. One of the most difficult moments to face is the moment you realize you have spent time watering and shining your light upon that which bears no resemblance to the fruit of your own labor. Disappointment would soon settle in were there an expectation of a more satisfying result. Yet we truly know in our hearts when great expectations are but fanciful aspirations undeserved by our present circumstances and past efforts. Good seeds planted out of season hold no regard for the ill fated timing of the work of their masters hands. The beauty of creation is the limitless soil of opportunity. What has failed this season need only wait until the time is right to come into fruition. Even the people in our life are seasonal and should be expected when the seasons support their arrival and departure. To understand the cycles of life is to be comfortable with letting go of everything when it is time to. To climb the tree of life we must let go off the lower branches to grab hold of the higher ones to pick what is ripe before it has fallen. Be not fooled by the taste for love is a bittersweet fruit unknown by the lips of lesser men. He who has consumed of its flesh will desire it whole when its core is reached in the passion of consumption. Thus our fear of love lost produces contempt for its hypnotic spell  alchemically transforming it into hate. Satisfaction alone rules nothing of a dual nature. The wise fear no loss of what grows in abundance upon his own branches. Therefore he does not fear losing that which he has found within. It is when we lack what's needed inside of ourselves that its value increases in others. Therefore some extort others with symbols of love they know they do not possess. They will place it in front of you and remove it from your sight before it can be claimed. Should you discover that you already have their prized bargaining chip their frustration with its lack of power will be evident. Such forces are of a magical nature barely understood by most who use their names without hesitance. There are spells which mimic the nature of love used by those who rely on you not knowing the difference. All that is required from you is belief in the concept of a seemingly intangible object of affection. The mirage of love is the greatest magic trick to ever captivate an audience of two, most confident in the desire of its idea and ill informed of its true nature. True love has quite contrary results only mastered by the art of proper detachment. True love flows through all creation as divine self identification. It is like ground water which is found beneath the surface of reality by those unafraid to dig deep in their hearts. This flow of energy is the highest value of currency which should be invested carefully and distributed cautiously. Those who are evil in spirit will misuse its power over others as it becomes hate in their possession. Those of such character will silently despise you for expressing it in its pure form. Thus it is indifference which will preserve your love from becoming tainted by their poison. The flow of love is not to be contained but move free as a river. Those who have not found where its treasure is buried will use you as their source until your reservoir is empty. The balance of giving and receiving keeps us all nourished. Unhealthy connections will deplete you and weaken your life force. Keep your heart pure and your well shall never run dry.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Intellectual Property Value

"We must invest as much as possible into improving ourselves. It is wise to build our intellectual property value for the more our realest state is worth the more our real estate is worth. If one has no self appreciation there goes the neighborhood."

Have you ever passed through a torn down crime ridden neighborhood and wondered what happened to this place? Have you seen groups of young people who have goals or direction in life? Have you felt the depressing energy at a bus stop or train station filled with people who all have a ticket but don't know where they are going? Have you crossed an imaginary border and suddenly the fog is lifted, the gates are off the windows and the people are smiling? I have which sent me on a mental journey to find out the root cause of the disparity between places that are so close yet so far. My first simple realization was that our external reality and environmental condition is a reflection of our state of mind. This can be seen in places where people don't lock their doors and there is less crime. It appeared as if the more chains, bars, gates and cages there are the more people who are willing to try to get through these obstacles. Could it be these locks and gates are really to keep us imprisoned in our own fears. This seems to be the unspoken result in the minds of those who accept these conditions. The more fear we have of losing our possessions the more we feel the need to lock them up and guard them. The more humanity fears the possibilities of our own free thinking the more prisons there will be to hide from ourselves. The more garbage there is on the ground the more waste exists inside of the people who feel comfortable with it around them. The more rude and disrespectful the public interaction between people becomes the more obvious it is that people are expressing how they feel inside. Many walk past each other avoiding eye contact because they have difficulty facing their own reflection. Those who are discouraged to the point of no return will tell you that everything you want to accomplish is impossible. This is the every day reality for many people which eventually makes the previously stated issues as undetectable as ones own smell. It is very noticeable to all who even pass this person that they may smell like a football locker room at half time except for the individual himself. The poor man wouldn't know he was poor until he met a rich man. The rich man didn't know he was rich until he met the poor man. Thus it is important to experience people and places from various walks of life. In order to choose our place on the scale we must be able to view the complete spectrum. 
   The next realization was that larger bodies were made of smaller components. Thus the feel, speed, energy and frequency of a particular place is comprised of the energy resonating through the people. The emotional condition of the people determines the emotional climate they share. The psychological condition of a large group will determine the mental atmosphere of the environment. This is why in some places you may be concerned for your safety as you pick up the mental signal of those who are around you. Some environments have a thick air of depression like a cloud of smoke everyone can feel but no one can see. The cleanliness of the area reflects the self value of the people who frequent it since the buildings, streets, lawns and trees are the body of that state of mind. States are not just places but are first conditions of being. A shared plane of consciousness. It is not the lack of money that makes a place appear run down. It is the lack of love, self esteem, confidence and an overall lack self value shared by a collective. The more we learn about ourselves the more we realize how special, complex and significant we are. Once we realize how important we are we will chauffeur our spirit in the healthiest and most cleanly physical vessel possible. As a result of this high standard of quality for our body we must then be a part of an environment that reflects this state. A clean, positive and healthy individual spending extended time in a dirty and negative environment is like wearing a white suit to go mud wrestling. Once you reach a state of self satisfaction you must surround yourself with people and places that assist in the maintenance of your higher being. Everything is mental and thus the quality of our stream of thoughts both conscious and subconscious is paramount. Great ideas will only present themselves in a mind prepared to receive them. Most carry the "thats your problem mind state"  not realizing that we are impacted by even the most subtle changes in our surroundings. We are effected by every thought and feeling of those around us. We are in a dimension of overlapping reality where we are a drop in a conscious ocean. Should one drop of ink fall into a glass of water the wise will not drink it. Thus the child who you fail to encourage may be the one to break in your home later. If one house is boarded up the whole street is judged by it. Elevate to your most authentic, genuine and realest state and the real estate of all who build with you will rise in value. It is time to raise our intellectual property value and think greater, do better and live healthier. You are worth more than you were told so polish yourself so we can all shine brighter.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Corporation vs Cooperation

The quality of our future depends on the ability of the people to once again believe in ourselves and each other.

For years we have been deprived of the direct benefit of our natural gifts to each other. Our natural inclination towards what we truly love to do was supplanted by the false need to survive in the artificial ecosystem of society. Many have lost faith in themselves as well as their abilities as a result. We have also lost the trust in each other as the value of large companies are branded in our minds from childhood. We used to know who amongst our immediate circumference was the go to person for any particular job. This put a sense of direct trust between the people as well as building the self esteem of the individuals of the community. In time larger companies began to replace the names of our friends and their products began to replace our self appreciation. In most cases people can no longer tell you who makes the best pie on their street. Most cannot direct you to the person in their community to go to for advice or to even unclog their sink. In fact those who have the skills probably don't know it either since they never developed them in order to do what they think they had to do to pay the bills. Ask where to find anything nowadays and the familiar department, grocery or convenience store is the first thing that comes to mind along with a logo and a familiar jingle they cannot remove from their heads. If you are lucky they may even whistle it for you as they look up the nearest location on their ipad. Instead of developing our skills we are now taught to memorize the steps to operate the machine or automated system that will replace our job. When we call one of these companies we are greeted by a robotic recording and after following its directions for about 15 minutes we end up hanging up in frustration longing for a human voice to resolve our issue.
     A day at the supermarket comes to mind as I had just finished shopping and pushed the cart towards the only open register which turned out to be a self checkout. This disturbed me at first considering there were more of these than actual human operated registers. I felt adventurous this particular day so I followed the suggestion of my significant other and tried it. After scanning 1 out of every 3 items required an employee to come over and approve the transaction. Considering there was 1 person to basically supervise 6 of these electronic employees you can imagine how long this could take. Finally done I placed my bags in the cart and proceeded to thank the attendant for help knowing it would have taken half the time without the machine. I couldn't help but find the irony of the situation quite amusing as people were being replaced by less efficient machinery. At some point it is only natural that mans collective wisdom will kick in and we will realize how backwards our idea of progress has become. Nothing ever lasts beyond nature and so we will have to eventually return to ours. As big business concerns itself more with profits, saving cost and mass production quality begins to give way to quantity. The concern for the value and effect of the product begins to dissipate along with the integrity of the business. The customer as well as the employee begins to be considered last after the needs of the business. The business now has a life of it's own and the first principle of life is self preservation. Thus what was meant to feed you now determines your time, energy, health and vitality to be the food it needs to survive. After years of branding and social conditioning through ads, media and word of mouth trust for the skills of others and the quality of what they produce is replaced by the big names who's reputation goes without question. After all if they weren't the best at what they do they wouldn't be so big and people wouldn't continue to patronize them. Right? At least this is what we would like to think but quite the opposite of reality. The truth is the way we have been doing things is flawed and the machine is rusty and broken. Did we forget that the machine is only as good as the functional components it is comprised of. It is certainly time to invest in ourselves once again. Here we are standing at the crossroads of corporation vs cooperation. The wise amongst us as becoming more self sufficient and taking the pride and care in their work that is missing these days. Focused once again on what they are best at and putting their love into it. This is something that can be felt in every stitch of the clothing we wear and every bite of the food we eat. The authenticity and positive energy of one who puts care into what flows through their hands.  From music and art to agriculture the time of the genuine individual who puts their heart into their work is coming back around. The challenge with this revolution comes from garnering the support of the people who are conditioned to believe in the big name as the better value. As more people jump off of the hamster wheel and begin to take actual steps toward progress they will need mental, emotional and financial support from a group of people mentally conditioned to deem them unworthy of their encouragement. What happens to an artist who's talent exceeds their commercially inferior counterpart yet even their friends and family consider their product to be unofficial because it is not presented though the usual outlets? What happens to an excellent cook who uses all natural ingredients that can't possibly have the effect of artificial foods containing addictive drugs? People will most likely continue to kill themselves under the familiar banners of fast food rest(in peace)aurants. What happens to such individuals is the same thing that happens to nature once an artificial replacement is presented that appears to be more sufficient and easier. Society breeds laziness encourages instant gratification. The time people must put into doing things the right way is viewed as wasteful in the business world where time is money. The true value is in the quality of the person who then puts that same quality into everything they produce. The result of a fast paced quantity oriented business filled with people who hate being there is eventually compromised if not completely eradicated. We must for our very own health build each other up from the individual to the collective. We must trust in our own ideas and abilities. We must invest our time an energy into ourselves and each other in the way we do for companies who consider us all expendable. We must regain faith and confidence in the value of what we can produce and believe in the products and services of others. We will ultimately gain everything all that we fear losing. We must let go of the false security provided by relying on the trusted names and brands and place it in each other. If you spent 40 hrs a week investing your all into your endeavors like you would behind someones counter would you not gain more? How could you be willing to put your all into something that gives you nothing but stress and the ability to remain in debt? How could you not support someone who loves what they do and is happy to serve you with a smile? These steps are a necessary transition to a happier and healthier civilization. Do what you love, love what you do and support those who do the same. A brighter future depends on you.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Child Within

The child within is our inner sense and our innocence that remains unpolluted by the residue of unfavorable experience.

As she stood at the edge of the stage her eyes glanced over the crowd as if she was seeking the approval of someone before she continued her performance. The events of her life seemed to all build up to this very moment as past events flashed before her eyes like a movie that only she could see. The familiar voice of her mother encouraging her to do her best echoed inside of her head as she drifted further away from the moment. The angry sound of her father's voice soon followed as it always did. "Comedy is not a job. Go make something valuable of yourself." His words were etched into her brain providing both a mental block and a stepping stone for success. She silently resented him more than he will ever know. Her desire for his support for years held more weight than her own convictions. As a child she was always good spirited and attention hungry. She would captivate the room with her jokes and her contagious laugh. Her energy seemed to have a disagreeable effect upon her fathers serious and melancholy nature. For him success could only be achieved through hard labour. His attitude was very stern and overbearing as his presence brought an invisible storm cloud wherever he went. As she got older she began to take her comedy more serious and she made a firm decision to grace the world with her joyous spirt through her jokes, natural charm and wit. She concealed this goal from her father expecting his disapproval as she continued to go through the motions of the college experience eventually dropping out to do stand up at the local night scene. She spent hours watching her favorite comedians and learning from each of them to perfect her craft. Her routine improved and she received a warm welcome as she followed the positive reputation she created for herself. This night was however different as it was the anniversary of  her fathers death which happened to fall on the night of her biggest performance to date. At each venue she would scan the crowd with her eyes before her performance anticipating his arrival while knowing deep inside that he would never be there. This night however was different as anxiety began to grip her tighter than she held the microphone in her left hand. This was her first televised performance and she was extremely nervous. Suddenly a sense of reassurance washed over her like a cool breeze. She could feel her father watching even in death and for once he was pleased by her achievement. This thought brought her great comfort as she proceeded to give the best performance of her life. Later that night she sat with her proud mother who told her that her father had a difficult life. "Your father was very bitter and held strong resentment towards the circumstances of his life in an unforgiving society. He felt that since he had to work from a young age to survive and take care of a large family that everyone should do the same. He once had dreams of being a famous guitarist, you know." her mother told her with a nostalgic smile as she reminisced on better times with the man she loved. "The conditions of his life did not permit him to follow his goals and so his lack of encouragement towards you were based in his fears of your failure. He never wanted you to feel like he did and I used to tell him that you were different. Before he passed he smiled at told me he was so proud of you for sticking to your aspirations." she said in a loving tone.
 The inner child is the purity within us all. It is the sincerity and innocence in a child's eyes that trusts unconditionally. It is the look of adventure and exploration with each new discovery of this fascinating world. It is the part of us that we must always protect and never deny. Our inner child loves to have fun and enjoy learning new things. It seeks attention for our gifts to nurture our ability to express what we have been blessed with. Our sense of true love and creativity is located in the heart of our inner child. Often in childhood we are faced with sudden events that may traumatize us since we do not understand what has happened or why it has occurred. This creates psychological barriers and doors in our subconscious that we keep locked hoping to never be reminded of what has transpired in fear of reliving the experience. These hidden fears are often triggered by people, places and events that remind us of something that has scarred the child within us. The longer these wounds go untreated the more difficult it becomes to function properly as adults. Those who have a healthy inner child move forward with a positive attitude and continue hoping for the best while the unhealthy inner child is left coping with the rest. By not removing these blockages and dealing with these issues we begin to deny that they exist. We become the cold hardened disciplinarian that we once regarded as strict and boring. In time we begin to lose the vibrant life force that keeps us living, loving and learning. In time we begin to suppress our natural desire to enjoy life as we succumb solely to our responsibilities and daily routines. The inner child begins to cry out within us and we respond back in our own minds like the strict parent telling them to wait and denying their genuine needs. The way we deal with our inner child directly impacts our vision for the future for it is the child who sees no limits and boundaries. It is the child who colors outside of the lines of society. The inner child is the true revolutionary constantly transforming through innovative ideas and new ways of seeing ourselves and our world. It is important to identify the nature of your inner child and give them what they need from your inherent masculine and feminine energy. The inner child needs discipline but not at the price of encouragement. It needs to be nurtured and loved as well as enlightened and guided. Find where your inner child is hiding and set it free by facing past events that it may be trapped in. It is also important to be able to identify the child within others. Often what is perceived as an attack from others is their way of defending the child inside of them. Once you heal this part of you find out the interests and gifts of your inner child and you will discover the purpose of your life's journey. Carrying the inner child through the ups and downs of life is like walking around the world holding a candle that you cannot allow to burn out. The inner child is your olympic torch passed down from the sun to deliver the fire of your passion as a gift to humanity. Hold it high and keep it burning as bright as you can.

Kalik Scientific

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Social Networth

"If you can satisfy the psychological needs of humanity in a world of fantasy everyone will immediately invest in real estate in their imagination."

She woke up to the sound of an alert on her phone immediately signing on to her online account to check her messages on her desktop computer. Eyes still half open she read what she could make out through her blurry vision. With 30 minutes left before she was scheduled to work she allocated 10 minutes to driving, 5 minutes to getting dressed and the other 15 to both eating and checking her online accounts simultaneously. This being a regular routine for her made it easy for her to be prepared to leave with such little time. As she began to invest more of herself into her online presentation her physical appearance began to suffer. She began to spend more time taking the perfect bathroom picture than looking presentable in her true form. With much less feedback in the real world it is obvious how she arrived at such a decision. The occasional smile or compliment did nothing for her self esteem in comparison to a day full of thumbs up from horny strangers staring at her risque photos. Her shy nature would never allow her to be as expressive as her promiscuous online avatar. With a new name and identity she found freedom from the judgement of her real life acquaintances and friends. Along the way to her destination she couldn't resist responding to chat messages on her cell phone at every light and street in between. Finally she reached her destination and walked to her desk with one hand still stuck to the virtual keyboard of her device glancing in front of her occasionally to make sure she didn't walk into anything. After sitting down at her desk she started up her computer and spent the day balancing her work with hiding the pop up windows of multiple social networks from her nosy supervisor who was ironically doing the same thing unbeknownst to her. At last it was time to go home and join the online party with her cyber friends free from interruption.

Welcome to the cyber world of mafia wars, farmville gardens, digital love and on screen theme parks where you can mentally enjoy the ups and downs of your imagination. In a world always on the brink of war where death, destruction, ignorance, trauma and famine abounds the value of escapism is going through the roof. In the arena where drugs, alcohol, sex and TV have been regarded as champions for so long a new contender has overcome all three in the caged match of society. Who is this new undefeated fighter winning the minds and hearts of societies inner children? It is the social network where one becomes part of a community of people that only exist through online communication connected by wires and electric current. This allows people to live through a surrogate avatar and present their ideal version of what others will find attractive. The impact of this phenomenon is apparent as some of these networks boast a membership that rivals many countries. It seems as if we are all the president of a corporation in which we build up friends and followers instead of customers and likes and retweets instead of revenue. Millions seek to find their place at the top of the aspiring instant musicians of Myspace, video stars of youtube, Twitter celebrities, Linkedin businesses and Facebook icons. Social networking can be a powerful tool to share our experiences and ideas while gaining valuable and not so valuable feedback. It is a great way to connect with people who share a common vision and move toward a united goal. Certainly it is a place for the independent artist to spread their gospel and the small business owner to expand their business. These unfortunately are the minority amongst the attention hungry and socially deprived characters seeking the spotlight. Each one of these different platforms caters to a unique psychological condition. The users of Facebook pour out everything from their deepest thoughts to the current frustrations awaiting others to like what they say to satisfy their ego. Users flaunt the status of their relationship which becomes more valuable to some than a diamond wedding ring. Millions of groups are started spearheading social causes and political agendas. The use of the term friend to describe the connection between users has almost replaced it's original definition. Many now consider friendship to be a button click away as true friendship is destroyed by the dreaded add friend message after visiting a page you thought you were connected to. Major brands that have been etched in the minds of generations are forced to put a join us on Facebook sign on their doors to be considered official by the social network generation. The psychology of the Twitter user is aimed at the desire to worship and be worshipped as an icon. Idolatry at its finest is certainly the underlying motive here. The use of the term follower for the people you interact with suggests an imbalanced relationship rooted in self esteem issues. To build up a as many as followers as possible with no qualification of leadership is the goal. To accept yourself as a follower is a requirement to be noticed. The initial selling point of this site is the inquisitive fan wanting to know what his favorite celebrity is eating for breakfast and what they are doing at any given moment. This opened the door for all who desired to be in the position of the individual who attracts this kind of inquiry from others. There are certainly positive ways in which this platform can be used as well as it is one of the fastest ways to spread information and thus has been the revolutionary vehicle of choice. This can be seen in China, Iran, Egypt, Libya and others a a tool for social change and political upheaval. All tools has the potential to be used in beneficial as well as detrimental ways that will reflect the mentality of its users. More than anything there is an eminent danger of people finding the mental and emotional satisfaction in a place that exists only within our own collective on screen fantasy. This addictive path can potentially lead to a great decrease in personal interaction resulting in a greater loss of humanity. The internet serves as an artificial network connection between our thoughts as the computer simulates the function of the more complex human brain. The wireless telepathic connection between us is becoming dormant as it is replaced by a less efficient system of wires and computer programming. As people become more comfortable with sitting behind a digital mask they become less secure and comfortable with who they truly are leading humanity further down the road of insecurity, illusion, falsehood and unhealthy egotism. For those of us who see this happening we are given no choice but to log into the matrix to find each other and pull out those who have awakened to their own reality. The conspiracy theorists must look no further than the world wide web where the new world is online waiting for its next order. Use your avatar but don't become it or you risk being trapped in the web. You have real world value that is untapped. When the gold rush begins and man seeks his wealth in the dark cave of his own consciousness where will you be? In the free world or still plugged in. The voice is yours.

Monday, August 22, 2011


"Everybody is a star you just didn't know you are. Now you know it's right on time to show the world how bright you shine."

 He took one last glance in the mirror to confirm the perfection of his appearance. Narcissistic to some yet necessary in his profession. "Move fast you have about 3 minutes to get to the stage. It's packed out there and the crowd is getting restless." his manager said with a sense of playful urgency. After many years he is still not accustomed to the dreamlike reality he has become a central part of. Hands still moist with sweat like the mist of a light rain as the subtle feeling of anxiety has never fully left. Walking with an entourage of security he passed by a seemingly endless sea of screaming fans. "We love you!" They yelled at the top of their lungs just hoping to get a split second of his attention. The slightest eye contact would be enough to last a lifetime. A somewhat humble man in light of his success he would always stop and shake a few hands to acknowledge his appreciation for without them none of this would exist. Often someone would faint as he extended his arm and this day was no different. He liked to pick out the quiet ones he knew were too shy to reach out for him. As he stepped close to the target of his attention they young woman passed out as if he hit her with the full force of his might. Something about this never felt right although his ego soaked itself in the pleasurable high of his overwhelming significance.
   She took one last glance in the mirror hoping to see something more pleasing than what she was accustomed to after spending a considerable amount getting her hair done. She took a couple of hours putting the finishing touches on her makeup after carefully selecting her finest outfit for the concert. It is not that she is an unattractive young lady but you would be hard pressed trying to convince her that. Her father being a strict disciplinarian and temperamental alcoholic was never one for giving her compliments. Her mother suffering from low self esteem accepted her fathers abuse and unconsciously passed on her lack of self worth to her quiet yet beautiful daughter. Always feeling empty within she sought to decorate her appearance yet it never filled the void inside. Very intelligent and an excellent writer she learned early on that society didn't give any gold stars to encourage her nerdy capabilities. Surrounded by the objects of her admiration posters of her favorite singers, movie stars and public figures adorned her walls. She would fall asleep staring at their pictures imagining herself in their place. Tonight however was special for she was preparing to see her favorite artist perform. She saved up for months to attend with her best friends who acquired front row tickets to what they considered to be an opportunity of a lifetime. After their arrival they waited in utter excitement for about 45 minutes laughing about her crush on the center of attention for the evening. Her best friend said I"I'm gonna scream until he comes over here and tell him how much you love him." She responded under her breath with a faint "No don't do that." secretly hoping that her friend would carry through with her plan. As he approached she nervously began to smile and tear simultaneously overwhelmed by the excitement. She hid partially behind her friend wanting to be both noticed and ignored. Her friend made good on her promise whom he overlooked to make eye contact and reach toward the girl who succumbed to her nervous excitement passing out in her friends arms.
   We have all either experienced directly or observed the fanaticism caused by the exploitation of the celebrity image. This has become living idolatry at its finest. The irony is that we are worshipping the inherent qualities we all possess embodied in a handful of individuals. Not that one should not be appreciated and credited for their hard work and talent but at what price. For years this has occurred at the high cost of collective self esteem. The majority psychologically conditioned  to be considered inferior by others and most importantly themselves. Their is certainly an intentional plan to promote the significance of entertainment above all else. This becomes obvious when you notice the wide disparity between the average NBA players salary of $5 million and the presidents salary of $400,000. How are the teachers of our children considered less important than those who entertain them. A healthy civilization must place a great emphasis on the artist, inventor, educator, farmer, scientist, healer as well as the entertainer. We must take a serious look at the message we are sending our children when there seems to be more of an incentive to play sports and sing songs than there is to own a business and be educated.  As a result of carefully selecting a few individuals for the majority to worship the already lowered self esteem of the majority takes an even greater hit. To make matters worse we are not told that these celebrities are not even required to possess talent and now everyone is jumping on the reality TV bandwagon to be noticed. The floodgates of insecurity have been opened to exploit the average persons desire for fame and notoriety. Most don't even want to be the celebrity now to be appreciated for their natural ability. They want the attention and the material wealth they are falsely told that comes with the position. The irony of this is that everyone is important and by chasing after another shooting star we miss the one within us. We all were given a purpose as well as a variety of individual gifts, skills and talents to pursue our goals and achieve our own concept of success. Heaven has many doors in which we may enter our inner paradise yet we are told there is only one way in with the same blind men guarding its gates. As a result there is a long line of people ready to give up their very souls to be used as a puppet figure dressed in a glamourous disguise used as bait to attract others willing to do the same.
    We are all stars shining in our own space. No one shines with the same intensity or duration yet we all are beings of divine light. Our very form is a condensed body of light since we first arrived on a ray of sunlight. Our very bodies are composed of the carbon, nitrogen and oxygen atoms that form the stars we admire in the night sky.  From every atom in our body to all life on earth we are the living remains of cosmic bodies of light. In fact we are not only stars but a microcosm of the very universe we are a part of.  Let this truth resonate within your spirit and rebuild the value and appreciation for who you truly are.  A celebrity is one who deserves to be celebrated for their achievements first within their own development and then their positive impact upon humanity. A celebration is meant to commemorate a significant event. As we are constantly expanding we are an ongoing event appearing to be a still form. So do not allow yourself to be celebri-teased by the false idol who appears to have what you do not. Instead discover the boundless treasure within you and as your self worth increases so will the intensity of your light. Everybody is a star you just didn't know you are. Now you know it's right on time to show the world how bright you shine.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Knock yourself doubt!

"In most cases abuse is a self inflicted punishment carried out by the hands of others."

He despises the work he does to make a living yet he has been in his cab every night for the last 25 years driving around the same city. He knows it all so well that he could do every run with his eyes closed knowing every street the veins on his own hand. Passing by faces that are all too familiar. He remembers glancing in his rear view mirror and seeing a younger man in his reflection. Fresh dreams of traveling the world and seeing new places. He spoke of it so often all of his regular passengers would ask "Hey Frank when are you going to take that trip?" His response would follow in his familiar low tone  "One of these days i'm gonna be gone."  For years he would arrive home at dawn resting for much his day. He would rely on the company of his customers since his schedule did not allow much of a social life. He would drag his feet every afternoon yet somehow his sense of duty and loyalty made it difficult to leave. His entire lifestyle trapped around this meaningless pattern of events. He would watch the partygoers, businessmen, artists, musicians and families interact  feeling a sense of unimportance compared to their busy lives. Yet worst of all tortured by the lovers who affectionately embraced in his backseat. A feeling he knew he would never have. So heartbroken by loneliness, stressed by despair and burdened by lost dreams he was eventually found hunched over in his car after a sudden severe heart attack. He certainly kept his word for one day he was gone.
   This situation presents the sorrow of a man abused by his own sense of duty to that which had no return investment. Allowing ourselves to remain trapped in our own fears is psychologically abusive. We watch our dreams die slowly to give life to someone else's vision and gain nothing in the process. At least we think we gain nothing if we fail to recognize the lesson in our experiences. There is also the matter of perception in which our desire for something else can blind us from all that is valuable in our past and present. This feeling of torture and dutiful imprisonment may bring a sense of freedom and peace to a lonely office worker who would enjoy the breeze of the open road. Thus we should always recognize the benefit of our circumstance while continuously seeking higher ground. Psychological abuse is not the only form of abuse for some are burdened by their own emotion or the emotions of others.
    I recall a close friend of mine who met a young woman who he sincerely cared about and they eventually had a few beautiful children together. Their initial happiness became a silent suffering feeling trapped in a world of emotional instability. She began to secretly resent their relationship for not being in alignment with her personal aspirations. Over time this resentment became anger and rage directed inwardly but primarily at him. Unable to diagnose his presence being the source of her frustration he blindly pushed forward ignoring all of the signs. She did everything she could to push him out of their home including making his stay there less than desirable yet he endured hopelessly holding on to the memory of what they once were. Eventually he naturally became angered by her treatment towards him. In time she expressed her true feelings yet his attachment to their ideal relationship became a roadblock to acceptance of what she expressed to him. Years of misery soon followed as they played the cat and mouse game of chasing and attacking each other becoming the target of their counterparts frustration, resentment and anger. Dumping years of emotional trauma on each other with no regard for the fact that they were trapped in a cycle of self victimization. The solution became so apparent by anyone on the outside looking in yet they found slight comfort in the eye of their storm. Selfishly their emotional residue polluted the environment for their children who became infected by it resulting in behavioral issues in school. The emotional abuse is particularly dangerous because it blocks the flow of healthy energy and is contagious to all without a strong emotional defense system. It will eventually destroy you from the inside out and cause depression, stress, anxiety and other issues that will become physical and lower the quality of life. Emotional abuse tends to outlive the situation that caused it and becomes harder to remove the longer it goes untreated. We begin to lie to ourselves about our self worth. We convince ourselves that we deserve to be treated as less than human. We may even abuse ourselves by being trapped in someone else's emotional condition. Our sympathy can cause us to dedicate our time and energy to pulling someone out of this condition who refuses to and in time we ignore the fact that we are being pulled deeper into the same condition. Know that you deserve nothing but the best and can do nothing to force someone out of self destruction. You can only remind someone of the potential of their worth and do your best to inspire them from a safe distance outside the boundary of their polluted aura.
    The most obvious and easily detectable forms of abuse is the physical. This is seen in the woman wearing sunglasses on a cloudy day to hide her black eyelids and the man concealing the scars on his back and arms where his skin lies under his partners fingernails. Yet their guilt and suffering bonds them in ways most could never understand. Their quiet loyalty making it impossible to even reveal their plight concerned about the well being of someone with no regard for their health and safety. Yet neither has the power to walk away physically and so they leave in their mind for a better place only known by them. This is the boxer who in his age can no longer risk a blow to the wrong place. The thousands of hits to the face and head. The bruised ribs and forgotten medals lost in a legacy soon abandoned by the next great fighter. Somehow his ego will not allow him to leave at the height of his career so he continues to fight the less qualified to keep his name relevant. Of course this strategy works to his advantage as his fans and critics taunt him to fight someone worth the challenge of what he used to be in his younger days. The image of a former champion permanently branded into the minds of the world who refuse to recognize his inability to function at the level he once did. One day he accepts a fight with a young up and coming fighter to prove once and for all that he is the greatest of all time like so many before him. He fights with the heart of a man who has everything to lose against an individual with the world to gain. He endures round after round of punishment. In his ear he is encouraged by his corner to quit while he is ahead which of course he refuses to do for it would be considered defeat in his mind. He is unexpectedly hit by a swift combination that sends his 190 lb. frame crashing to the mat like a demolished building. This fight cost him not only his reputation but his ability to function normally due to extensive brain damage from a lengthy career of taking blows to the head. Beneath his confident strong exterior he was tired of fighting. Subconsciously he knew the risk of continuing yet he feared he would no longer be relevant. Truthfully his last fight with an opponent was years ago and every fight since then became a battle of self importance with his own ego. Be careful of the abuse you allow whether it is mental, emotional, physical or otherwise. Know that you do have the power to make it end by building up your self worth. What you think you are gaining is nothing in comparison to what you will gain in peace, health and harmony. You must always take self accountability for how others treat you for in most cases you sign a mental contract of silent permission based upon what you will allow yourself to tolerate.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Silent Treasure beneath Quiet Storms

"what you don't say will be spoken for you in the minds of the impatient, worrisome and unwise to whom silence is a fools gold."

Silence is truly golden and worth every sound that is heard. It is this great ocean of silence that we fish out every word we utter. The sea of ideas  in which our deepest treasures are buried. Each of us live a separate life of isolation and solitude that no one will ever truly know. Regardless to how vocal some may be the majority of our thoughts are always unspoken. Others can only assume and take the pieces of what you reveal to fill in the blanks. Life is a constant process of growth and development where the majority of change goes on internally and remains unseen by those who judge you solely on their limited perception of your former actions. Knowing this one must recognize the dual responsibility of your appearance. You must be careful with every action, word, gesture and component of your presentation. Others will then assess you and filter your image through their historic lens which then becomes you re-presentation. It is this process that you will never have complete control over. You can only do the best with the responsibility of what you present. People store memories of associations between descriptive words and the people, places and events they attach to them. This is the minds cache which stores this information like cookies in your computer browser to quickly make connections to identify and process new information. Thus what you present is pre sent so everyones reputation precedes them via their similar characteristics with those who you remind others of. For example one may see a rock that appears different in size, texture and color from anything they have seen before yet they immediately define it as a rock based upon it's familiar appearance. This is the same process of identity profiling that happens with everyone you meet in life. Often there is a degree of inaccuracy due to the fact that no one is you besides you.
             Eventually as we become more familiar with individuals and places we adjust our perception accordingly and fill in the blanks not provided by our associative memory. However some make less adjustments and rarely update their files. I myself recall meeting people and identifying them with others who they remind me of only to attach adjectives to their person that were undeserved. I also remember times when someone revealed themselves to be precisely what I anticipated with the exception of what was unknown to me. This is a process of natural defense aiding in rapid response and quicker reaction time. Having a characteristic seed memory bank allows one to react faster to a potential problem or quickly take advantage of a possible opportunity. Thus through the silent observation of others you will always be spoken for. Knowing this you must plan your silence more than you plan what is spoken. Trust that others will think more of you than what you have revealed to them. They will have ideas about you that your actions may have never implied. They will speak of your decisions in ways that you never intended. They will make every assumption in their book yet you must never compromise your honor in how you present yourself. You should always be sincere and express the higher characteristics of your authentic nature.  You will always hurt people you have never intended to and benefit others you may not be aware of. Actions do speak louder than words yet silence whispers volumes in the ears of men. Listen carefully to the silence and you will hear the sound before it arrives. Yet do not allow the message in the silence to become lost in translation and polluted by a tarnished filter.
          Silence is suggestive and mysterious like the objects in a shadow. It is a psychologically seductive influence sought after by the inquisitive mind. To choose when to play the notes in a song one must consider the equal value of the silence which emphasizes what is heard. Interestingly enough the silence permeates through everything like the darkness at night. It is not attributed to an apparent  source as light is. One does not see the root of the dark matter of space yet we can trace the rays of light back to their celestial body of energy known as stars, comets and planets. This darkness is unseen as silence is unheard  thus it is not so easy to pinpoint the source of a sea of thoughts as it is to identify what is spoken and by whom. On a mundane scale let us look at the celebrity. The celebrity is called a star and is focused on because of the attention directed on the way they shine. This then brings attention to the contrast of the sea of darkness surrounding them which lends to our curiosity of everything we don't see. This interest is then exploited upon by those who claim to know what is considered speculation which becomes rumor followed by scandal and transforming their image and possibly their character. Most people will assume the worst in others in order to falsely raise their own worth. We will never know what truly  goes on behind the scenes yet we will never stop wondering. Some will have 2 pieces to the puzzle and then draw the rest and spread it as fact. This is the power of silence. Use yours wisely and be careful how you receive the silence of others. It is best to fish from the purest water in your subconscious  so that your best ideas will spring forth. Walk in your own shadow to understand the totality of your potential effect on the world around you. People have a value that increases and decreases based upon how they benefit others so be careful of fools gold and listen carefully to the hidden treasure of silence. Do not assume the worst for after all things may be better than you know.

-from the brilliant thoughts of Kalik Scientific-

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Time for some Action!

" To repeat the problems you are already aware of will only amplify them while revealing your unwillingness to act. "

I am tired of this. I don't want to go through this anymore. I can't keep doing this. We have all expressed sentiments such as these at one time or another. We have all listened patiently to the dissatisfaction of others knowing they will most likely follow the same pattern that brought them there. Often we insist that we can't take it anymore yet that is precisely what we will continue to do. Why do we continue to walk down the same dead end street and then complain about an outcome we already anticipated. The answer is simply that the expression of dissatisfaction is not what it appears to be. What is truly happening is that we become comfortable in our routines and the problems we know are not as bad as the ones we don't. As long as we speak our unhappiness we empower our displeasure. I remember once working at a job that made me miserable for 7 years yet how unhappy could I have really been to remain there for so long. It wasn't until I lost the fear of the unknown that I was able to let go of what was known. Satisfaction is a matter of comparison. One must know what it is to be content in order to know the feeling of discontent. Thus it is the unsatisfactory that makes the satisfactory more pleasant. The reality is that most people are unwilling to make the changes necessary to cure their mental, emotional and physical ailments. For example I once spoke to an elderly man who recently had a heart attack. He was rushed to the hospital and immediately went into surgery. The sides of his face curled in misery just telling me the story of how they shaved him in order to put a camera inside of him above his genital area to his heart to see what was going on internally. After discovering that his arteries were blocked he was told they would have to insert a stent in order to save his life. A stent is a small tube used to keep the artery open. He told me that it was a miserable experience that he cared not to repeat but it was likely if he didn't change his diet he would be back to get another one in his left artery. I asked him if he made the necessary dietary adjustments and his answer was "no way. I can't stop enjoying my fast food." This response made me question the validity of his dissatisfaction. Certainly the cause of his pain came with a pleasure he was unwilling to let go even if it cost him his life. What he didn't know is that it is very possible to enjoy the pleasure of good tasting food without putting his health at risk. Yet is this unknown factor he was unwilling to open his mind to that trapped him with the only option of poisoning himself to death. This one situation caused me to look at many other psychological parallels in our every day life. I once knew a young woman who was with a man who physically abused her regularly. She eventually came to me for help and I accompanied her to the station to file a restraining order since it was inevitable that he would return to her domicile. It was not even a full weak later before new bruises appeared on her face. It became apparent that either she either enjoyed being treated this way or she feared letting go into the unknown. The most obvious examples are the dissatisfied partners who tell everyone they need to separate yet they never take the first step toward independence. After experiencing this pattern in my life and the lives of close associates I sought to understand the unseen force that binds us to our misery yet allows us to recognize our unhappiness. How can one know the problem so well yet feel so powerless to change it? What is it that humanity is holding onto in the empty places of our mind. It dawned on me that the more people express their dissatisfaction the less likely they are to do something about it. The habitual complaint has 3 potential benefits. First they may be venting to release the negative energy and lighten the emotional load so they may continue on hoping the situation resolves itself. Second they sincerely want to make a change and they are talking themselves into it while seeking advice to empower  decision they are too weak to make alone. Third they actually enjoy the feeling of being victimized and the sympathetic ear that comes with it. Self victimization can be a powerful psychological and emotional addiction. I began to notice this on a larger scale with underprivileged and oppressed people. After their oppressor gets up they still feel their weight on them spiritually and have become accustomed to using their weight as an excuse to remain down since it is the easiest option requiring no work on their part. Many become reliant upon their crutches and use them as an excuse to never walk on their own even though it is very possible with a strong will and dedication they could most likely run faster than ever before. True change comes with a subtle and silent motion that others will barely notice until it occurs. You will know when you have had enough misery because there will be nothing to say. Your actions will truly speak for you. Complaints fuel the vehicle of corrective action yet your will will spark the ignition and your focus and perseverance will keep you driven on a higher path.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Balance of Power

"Never become so caught up in trying to control others that you lose control of yourself."

He knew the rules he was hired to enforce with his very life conflicted with his moral fiber yet he found it too difficult to resist the collective force of  adrenaline filled bodies moving like a dark cloud over the unwitting crowd. Every  cell in his body felt the inescapable urge to remove the heavy armor of his swat uniform weighing on his weary soul. The aggressive voice of his superior officer rang in his helmet ricocheting off the walls inside his cranium. The concerns for his own safety soon washed away in a sea of testosterone. "Everyone leave the premises immediately." he screamed with an authoritative tone at the peaceful protestors. Refusing to move the crowd maintained their stance fully aware of what would soon follow. As his fellow officers moved forward with a feeling of personal insult towards the crowds civil disobedience he experienced a sudden paralysis as he made eye contact with a young child who's cold stare penetrated his armor and his flesh burning his spirit. A this moment he reflected upon the conversation with his partner earlier that morning in which they both adamantly agreed with the plight of the people who they knew they would be placed in opposition to later that day. They both laughed at the irony of their conundrum expressing apparent dissatisfaction at the insufficient compensation for such a dangerous mission. Suddenly he snapped back into the present moment as his heart raced knowing he had to act immediately.  Wanting desperately to find relief from his current dilemma he moved forward dragging his legs as if he was walking through drying cement. Holding his shield tight he moved through the looming cloud of tear gas like a musician in a nostalgic video shoot. His body seemed to have a mind of its own as he followed the lead of his unit swinging his night stick at anyone who dared to have the courage to remain in the vicinity. As the smoke began to subside along with the tension of the conflict he saw a small body along the side of the street. He walked closer as he began to recognize the shadowy figure appearing lifeless along the curb. It couldn't be what it appeared to be he thought as it became clear it was the same child he made  eye contact with earlier. Suddenly an unexplainable feeling took hold of his being as he remembered seeing this child before but where he could not recall until it hit him like a wrecking ball striking an abandoned building. This was his son's friend laying there. He knelt down beside him and broke down internally as his partner walked over placing his hand on his shoulder. "A shame isn't it that these things must happen. If they just learned to follow orders." he said in a cold tone void of humanity.
   We all seek love, acceptance, appreciation, companionship and a sense of purpose. In the mundane world created by the collective mind of a society convinced of its lack of power most accept a mediocre version of themselves. The soul of the individual never truly accepts this deficiency of self value and seeks a greater influence on its surroundings. This urge is in direct conflict with the ingrained concept that this power is not inherent and thus can only be achieved by pulling from an external source. Everything seeks it's own internal balance as well as  a natural equilibrium with its environment. To this man is no exception unbeknownst to him. As humanity has lost awareness of its place in the grand scheme of things we have felt less significant. This lack of importance has resulted in irrational and senseless behavior as we search for self assurance in everything but where it can be truly found. Hunting and destroying to gain a sense of power that is never fulfilled by such means. Some seek dictatorship in personal relationships to compensate for what they are lacking inside. Others seek to climb the career ladder not to fulfill a sense of accomplishment and ambition but to look down on all who appear to be in positions of inferiority. Some seek to deplete the connection to natural resources to limit self sufficiency to increase dependency thereby feeding the insatiable appetite of a malnourished ego. Some beat and belittle their offspring to please their need to feel in power even to the point they discourage their greatest potential in fear of a future feeling of inferiority. This mentality on a smaller or larger scale leads to more imbalance, disease, violence and cruelty. This downward spiral must stop so I will tell you what has been kept secret from you. The power you seek has been hidden in the one place you were told never to look and that is within you. Self, confidence, esteem, and appreciation can only be given by the self. Encourage the greatest qualities in others and know that what they need and deserve is no different than what you seek. No one can take away your power. They can only convince you that you don't have any if you allow it. The only one you are given complete jurisdiction over is yourself. So become balanced within and  you will find balance without.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The value of life

"Anyone who considers any object above his own being is truly amongst the living dead."

As I watch humanity blindly take daily steps toward it's own destruction there are a few questions that I can't avoid asking. Why? What is there to gain in exchange for this collective suicide? What is the reward we expect to receive in exchange for such a high price? As these thoughts dance around in my head I can't help but recognize that most have no idea of the value of what they are giving up. Life is an endless  stream of eternal energy flowing through a wide variety of forms designed to function as a whole. As individuals we are all unique in our presentation of this life force. Similar in form yet diverse in function and expression. There are many trees in this world yet none are identical. There are many rivers yet none flow along the same path following the same course. With all of the multiple living examples of the beautiful mind of the creator there is a special place in the universe for the being called man. Amongst all living representations of creation none possess the wisdom to seek the perfection of it's own nature as well as the foolishness to deny the purpose beneath its very existence. Nothing else in nature attempts to be what it is not based upon the concept of dissatisfaction. Self dissatisfaction paves the way for self destruction. Certainly there is no error in the calculation of the supreme universal architect. Thus our dissatisfaction is merely based upon a distorted perception. This occurs as a result of losing the awareness of self. Sure we know we are but we were not aware of who and why we are. That which fails to see the meaning of its very existence is certainly less willing to defend its existence. By not seeking to understand the true function of our being we begin to consider not being. We seek satisfaction in the illusion of death when there is only dissatisfaction in the reality of life. This state of mind can be so subtle that it may go unnoticed by those in possession of it yet overwhelmingly apparent in their behavior. The result manifests in two ways in which one begins to exhibit one or both of these options. Either it is expressed in an internal or external fashion. Internally one's lack of self assurance, confidence, esteem and appreciation results in self destructive routines from poor diet, bad habits, addiction, depression in addition to allowing themselves to be mistreated by others. Externally it is expressed through violence, combativeness, abuse, disrespect and selfishness. You may ask yourself how a pattern of bringing harm to others equals self destructive behavior. The answer is found in the truth that we are all one. Man cannot destroy his environment without destroying himself.  To drop a bomb anywhere on the planet is like blowing up a room in your own home. There is one life force within all living beings so how we treat others is a reflection of how we treat ourselves. The more one becomes dissatisfied with his own life the less he will value the lives of others. We must maintain the balance of self sacrifice with self preservation. We must regain the true sense of divine purpose by first remembering the significant role man plays within the universe. It is our ability to decide between opposing viewpoints that provides meaning to seemingly random events. We are truly the mind of the creator and the creation. We must remind ourselves that there will never be someone like us ever again. We will never have the same opportunity twice to truly live and take advantage of each and every breath. To improve ourselves and learn all we can through our unique living experience increasing the understanding of our collective awareness. Surely if we knew how valuable we truly are it would be seen as insanity to place a higher value on any material object. No inanimate object has the ability to shape it's own destiny. The brightest jewel on the earth becomes dim in comparison to the pure heart and shining intellect of man operating in his higher nature. Scarcity becomes value and nothing is more rare than the individual who cannot be duplicated. Remind yourself and others daily just how important you truly are and you will know your val-you.

Kalik Scientific